Chapter 36

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Two days went by and I managed to make my rasengan more powerful and my jolt clamp stronger within these two days. Jiraiya was satisfied with my progress, so he decided that today he would teach me a new water ninjutsu.

"Okay, Hana," Jiraiya nodded. "Let's teach you that new water style,"

I looked at him, my eyes sparkling with excitement. 

"This is a jounin move," Jiraiya started. "It's called the 'water fang bullet',"

He weaved some signs. "Water style: Water fang bullet!"

A circle of spikes made out of water rose around a rock and the spikes came crashing down, pulverizing the rock. I was amazed to see how powerful it is.

"Now this jutsu makes it hard for your opponent to dodge," He said. "Always make sure that you're near water when you use this because it'll work way better. If there's water beneath you, then it'll be way more powerful,"

He had me try it now. 

"Water style: Water fang bullet!" 

My spikes only chipped the rock instead of crushing it into pieces. 

"Pretty good for a beginner," Jiraiya complimented. "Some people don't even manage to lay a scratch on a rock the first time they do it,"

"Now what?" I ask.

"I'll teach you a few more jutsus and you can practice on your own," Jiraiya said.

He taught me a lot more than I knew and then told me to practice them on my own. He sat down against a tree and took a piece of paper and a pen out.

I focused my attention to the training post in front of me and started practicing all of the new moves I learned. I wanted to become stronger so I could prevent a situation like the Forest of Death from happening again. Even though Kuroshi wasn't a real enemy, I still wanted to protect my team from any danger.

My mind went to the night my parents were killed by Shinji. I wanted to know why he did it and I knew I had to become strong to learn the truth.

A few hours went by and I managed to do way better on all of the jutsus that I've learned.

"Hey, Jiraiya-Sensei!" I shouted, trying to get his attention.

He was too distracted to notice me and was staring off into the distance as if something was troubling him.


He still couldn't hear me and I knew just how to snap him out of his daze.


"How many times have I told you, Squirt, don't call me that!" Jiraiya retorted and I laughed.

"You were zoning out," I smiled. "How else was I supposed to get your attention?"

"Pft," He put his papers away. "What is it?"

"I finished! What else are you going to teach me?" 

He stood up and walked over to where I was. "We're going to go over chakra control so you can learn how to walk up a tree and on water,"

He explained everything about chakra control. He went over what we did at the academy and I realized that this is exactly what Kakashi had shown me when we had that mission over at the Blood Mist.

"Oh!" I exclaimed. "I know what you're talking about, I learned how to do this because Kakashi showed me how to walk up a tree,"

"So, you already know what to do?" 

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now