Chapter 55

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Finally, the five weeks of misery in the hospital were over. Minato, Rin, Kushina, Asuma, Guy, and Kurenai visited me in the hospital a few times while Kakashi and Obito were the only two who hadn't visited at all.

That made me worry if they hated me or not.

The nurse walked in with a clipboard and looked down at it. "Hana Uzumaki?"

"You're free to go and you don't have any orders, but we do advise you to be careful when you're on missions next time in case you open that stomach wound up again." The nurse said and left the room to let me get ready.

I only had my tank top, shorts, and ninja boots since Kushina took my hoodie to sew back up for me. 

I walked out of the room and decided to go eat at Ichiraku since I haven't eaten there in a long time and I really needed some ramen right now.

I sat down at the bar stool and Ayame looked happy to see me. "Good to see you, Hana. We haven't seen you in a while, what's going on?"

"Oh, nothing," I replied. "I just went on a long mission. I missed your ramen the whole time though,"

She chuckled and took my order. I waited on it and someone sat on the bar stool next to mine. This guy reeked of sake too.

Ayame set my bowl down and I grabbed the chopsticks to start eating. "So, where's Teuchi at?"

"My dad is busy today," Ayame said. "He wants more business since we've been running short on money lately, so he's been at the library lately for better marketing strategies and wants to try out new ramen recipes,"

"How's the reading going?" I ask.

"So far-"

Ayame was cut off by the man next to me. "Hey! Are you going to take my order soon, woman?"

Ayame didn't react and gave him a polite smile. "I'll be right with you sir, sorry,"

She turned to take his order and my mind drifted to Obito. I knew that he was still upset with me and it made me sad that he didn't visit me at all when I was in the hospital. 

My thoughts were cut off when this man started shouting at Ayame. "Why is this spicy? I said regular ramen, you stupid woman!"

He threw the bowl onto the ground and I turned to him, starting to get angry.

"Don't talk to her like that," I snap. "She's working hard by running this stand by herself today so give her some respect,"

"What are you going to do about it, girl?" The man retorts.

"Hana, no, it's okay-" Ayame started.

I stood up, cutting Ayame off. "I won't repeat myself. Don't talk to her like that,"

The man stood up and tried to swing at me, but he stumbled a bit from being drunk. I was about to knock him to the ground, but someone had already done that and I was surprised at who had done it for me.


He sighed. "What did you get yourself into?"

"Wasn't my fault," I said. "He started yelling at Ayame and threw the bowl on the ground, so I decided to rip him a new one,"

Kakashi dragged the guy away and came back. I picked up the bowl of ramen that the drunken idiot threw on the ground and scooped up the ramen with chopsticks. 

"And that idiot didn't even pay for it," I shook my head.

Ayame took the bowl and rushed to the back. I finished my ramen and now Kakashi and I were alone. This felt very awkward.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now