Chapter 50

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I put my hands in my face as I sobbed.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked.

I hid my face and looked up, seeing it was Asuma. He held a hand out to help me stand up and I still continued to hide my face because I hated crying in front of people, it made me feel weak.

"Hana," Asuma said. "You don't have to hide your tears from me. Just come with me and you can tell me what happened,"

I sighed. I knew my makeup was ruined. 

I took Asuma's hand and he pulled me up. We both walked over to an empty bench and he looked at me.

"What happened?"

"I messed up, big time," 


I explained to him what happened. Anko and Kurenai both setting me up, the whole charade I pulled, and how I confessed to the two of them.

"You know, I could tell that you had feelings for them," Asuma said. "I knew it would result in a problem for you, but I didn't think it would cause something this big to happen,"

I didn't say anything and he continued.

"I won't lecture you, but the best thing you can do at this point is to give them both space and sort out your feelings. Then, when you do sort them out, you can speak to them individually,"

I wiped my tears. "I can't, Asuma! I know I love them both. How am I supposed to sort that out?"

"Are you sure it's love?" He asked, catching me off guard.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you sure you love them both?" He asked. "Think of it this way. One person could simply be a crush and the other could be love, or you don't actually love them and they're both a crush. That's what I mean when I say to sort it out and talk to them later,"

I nodded and sniffled. "Thank you Asuma,"

I was glad he became one of my close friends. 

"You're welcome, Hana. Do you want to hang out with me instead?"

"Actually," I said. "Someone wants to meet you at the hill over there at 8. You should go talk to them,"

At least one thing would turn out right. 

"Okay. See you."

Asuma left and I continued to sit down on the bench. I still had time to kill before Lord Third makes his speech. I rested my chin on the palm of my hand and saw Minato with Kushina in the distance. I thought about going over to them, but they looked like they were having fun. I didn't want to intrude on that.

Obito and Kakashi probably hated me, Naomi was probably with her friends, Guy was probably having fun with Genma and Ebisu, and Rin was probably spending time with her parents. I had no one to hang out with and it was all my fault.

I decided to walk around to see what was here. I saw a fortune teller tent and remembered how Jiraiya went on a rant about how he hated them because they were a "waste of money" and a "big scam". 

This tent had me intrigued because it was a princess named Miroku from the Land of Demons. 

My curiosity got the best of me and I stepped inside the tent. The princess had eyes similar to Naomi's, but she wasn't a Hyuga. 

"You want to see your future?" She asked.

I nod.

"Okay. Sit down,"

I did what she asked and she put her hand on top of mine, shutting her eyes. She was quiet but then gasped at one point. I was wondering what she had seen and it made me nervous because she tensed.

Her eyes opened. "Your future is dark, but it gets lighter towards the end,"

"Why was it dark?"

She gave me a look of sympathy. "You're going to suffer a great loss..."

I mentally scoffed. Jiraiya was right, these are just scams.

I gave her money and stepped out. I realized I hardly had any money left and grunted in annoyance.


I turned, seeing Minato and Kushina. They both looked concerned since I probably had black streaks down my cheeks and looked upset.

"Are you okay?" Kushina asked.

"No..." I trail off. 

"Why don't we hang out? Minato and I wouldn't mind having you with us," Kushina offered.

"But I don't want to bring you guys down while you're having fun," I sigh.

"It's okay," Kushina gave me a comforting hug. "Let's go get something to eat and we can talk about what happened. I wouldn't want you going home like this by yourself,"

I nodded and she told Minato to wait so we could go in the bathrooms. She let me clean my makeup up and I blew my nose. 

After that, we went back out to meet up with Minato. 

Minato led us to one of the benches. "I'll be right back. I know what'll make Hana feel better,"

His speed took me by surprise, especially since it's crowded here. He brought us plates of jelly with bean paste, cookies in the shape of a cherry blossom, and a plate of mochi wrapped in a cherry blossom leaf. He also had some tea and chuckled at how my eyes lit up at the sweets.

"I figured women like to eat sweets when they're upset," Minato chuckled.

"What kind of tea did you get?" Kushina asked.

"They said it's cherry blossom and peach, so I grabbed that," He replied and then handed me a plate of mochi. "Also, try this Hana. This is a specialty at these kind of festivals,"

I took the pink colored mochi and took a bite. I ended up liking it.

"Thank you, Uncle,"

We ate our sweets and it felt nice to have some food after I had wasted my money at the priestess's tent. A great loss? Yeah right, I've already suffered a 'great loss' and that was losing my parents to Shinji Kuroki.

I took a sip of the tea and Kushina looked over at me.

"Do you want to explain what happened?"

I decided I'd talk to them instead because they would probably know what to do.

I explained to them everything that happened and included how I started developing feelings for both, Obito and Kakashi.

Kushina was pretty surprised, but they knew that I liked them both.

"I have to agree with Asuma," Minato said. "You need to sort your feelings out so you can try to patch things up with them."

"Also, when you do sort them out, just remember the difference between love and infatuation." Kushina added.

After all of that, we finished our sweets and went to go listen to Lord Hokage make his speech. I had a hard time focusing because I was too bothered by the fact that I had hurt the two people I care a lot about. 

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now