Chapter 6 *EDITED*

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"Hana, get up!"

I woke up and saw Aunt Kushina was hovering over me. I widened my eyes with panic when I forgot that Uncle Minato said he had a mission for us today.

"How late am I?!" I asked, running out of bed to grab my clothes.

"Fifteen minutes," She sighed. "Minato's already at the Hokage's Tower with your team,"

"Oh man, I can't believe I slept in!" I exclaimed as I rushed to the bathroom to get ready.

I quickly got a cup of milk and then heated up some instant ramen as "breakfast" and I chugged the milk down, then rushed out of the house while eating my ramen. I was speed walking and eating at the same time.

I threw the cup away in a nearby garbage and then sprinted when I saw it was closer. I frantically opened the doors and panted when I finally made it inside the office. I was embarrassed that even Obito got here earlier than I did.

"You're late," Kakashi remarked. "How are you even late if you and Minato-Sensei live together?"

"Well, you know what," I started. "I...I got lost on the path of life, okay?!"

I sweat dropped at my own excuse, but I went with it. That wasn't supposed to come out that way.

Obito gave me a questioning look at my excuse and Kakashi shook his head. Minato sighed at me.

"Just try to wake up earlier, Hana," He said.

"I will," I gave him a sheepish look. "This won't happen again, Sensei. I swear,"

He turned to face the Hokage who just looked amused. He started explaining to us how missions work and he started reading through D-ranked missions after his explanation.

"There's a woman who requested help with gardening," Lord Hokage said as he read through the paper he was holding up.

"We'll take that one," Uncle Minato said.

"Gardening?" I muttered. "That seems way too easy,"

Obito just nodded in agreement with me.

"You'll have to tend her to her lawn and all her plants. The entire yard needs work and she's having back problems, which is why she can't do it on her own," Lord Hokage explained.

We left his office and Rin turned to Minato.

"Sensei? Are you going to help us out with this mission?" She asked.

"Nope," He replied. "I know you guys can handle this one. I have to finish paperwork, but I'll be back to check in on you guys later,"

God, this is going to be the lamest mission ever.

As we walked to the house, I couldn't help but wonder how long we were going to have missions like this for.

"I feel like this doesn't even count as a mission," Obito said quietly as we walked there. "This is lame,"

"Yeah, I know," I agreed. "I was hoping we'd get something way cooler. Like protecting a noble or escorting a Feudal Lord and having to protect him from danger,"

We finally reached the house and the entire yard was a nightmare. Everything was overgrown and needed work.

"I'm going to split you guys up into groups of two for today," Uncle Minato said. "Obito and Rin, you guys will work together-"

Obito accidentally cut him off by excitedly saying "yes" out loud.

We all looked at him and he blushed brightly.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ