Chapter 19

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Once we made it back Rin, Obito, and Naomi's teammate immediately greeted us.

"Kakashi!" Rin exclaimed.

"Hana!" Obito added.

"Naomi!" Naomi's teammate also added.

"Where were you? You guys have been gone for a week! A search party was even made to find you guys!" Rin scolded.

"Yeah, do you realize how worried sick you had us?!" Kasumi Inuzuka added.

Mariko hid behind my legs and Kasumi rose an eyebrow.

"Who's the girl?" She asked.

Before I could speak, Minato-Senei was in front of us in a flash, with Kushina. 

Uh oh. She walked up to me and punched my head. 

"You idiot!" She yelled. "Why would you just leave like that? We were worried sick about you!" 

I rubbed my head. 


Kushina embraced me in a hug and I hugged back.

"You do realize we're going to have to speak to Lord Hokage, right?" Minato asked, not sounding happy with us at the moment. 

I nodded and he looked at Mariko. He questioned us and I explained everything to them. Kazuki, the inn, Mariko's condition, Rentaro and Rika, the Ishida Clan, and even the whole scheme Rentaro caused. 

Kakashi added the conversation we had at the hospital, the blood transfusion, and how badly injured I was. Naomi also told him about how she did a lot of investigations to get to the bottom of everything and helped us out. 

"I see..." Minato nodded. "I have no say in this, but Lord Hokage will handle this. I'll have you four talk to him," 

I just nodded, Kakashi looked down, and Naomi crossed her arms and then stumbled forward, hissing curses under her breath as she clutched her eyes. 

"I also strained my byakugan fighting some stupid guy who went by the name 'Yukio'. He may have been a complete moron, but he was still strong," Naomi said. 

Obito, Rin, and Kushina followed us to the Hokage's Tower and we walked in. They waited in the hallway for us and Minato-Sensei told him what happened.

"Minato, just let me talk to them," Lord Third said and Minato stepped out of the room.

"So," He said to us. "You've taken an A-ranked mission on by yourself?" He asked.

"Yes and I apologize sir," I said. "but this was supposed to be an escort and suddenly we stopped some criminals from killing Mariko,"

"Well, let me speak to Mariko by herself and then I'll decide on what to do," He said and we stepped out of the room.

Obito looked over at me. 

"I'm so glad you're okay, I was worried about you when you went missing and I couldn't sleep. This entire week I've been wanting to talk to you about something, but now isn't the right time," He said.

"Really?" I ask. "What is it?"

Suddenly, his cheeks started dusting pink. 

"No really. Now isn't a good time," He looked away, making Kakashi raise an eyebrow.

Rin just looked at him, with a tiny smirk at the corner of her lips.

Obito caught me by surprise because he suddenly embraced me in a tight hug. He had his arms around my waist and his face nuzzled into my shoulder. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like this hug. It almost felt...right.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now