Chapter 7 *EDITED*

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Today, Uncle Minato woke me up very early to make sure I wouldn't sleep in this time.

He usually leaves before I do since he has to make sure everyone gets to the spot on time, so he was already leaving by the time I started getting ready.

I was huffing with frustration because I was getting irritated with my hair. Brushing and trying to tie up into a ponytail was way more complicated than it should've been because it was tangled up so badly that I used a lot of detangler.

Sometimes I just wanna say screw it and leave it down for a day, but I usually keep it up so it's not annoying me during the day.

Aunt Kushina was already gone. She left a note on the fridge saying that she had to run a lot of errands today, so she left me a bento box in the fridge for my breakfast.

I locked the door behind me after I left and started walking to the tower. I was surprised at how peaceful the village was this morning. No shouting, no crowds, and it was mainly just a lot of elderly people out today.

I made my way to the Hokage's office and was confused when I only saw Kakashi and Uncle Minato.

" I late again?"

"No, you're just earlier today," Uncle replied. "Rin usually shows up in like five minutes,"

"Well, I feel accomplished for not being late this time," I said.

"Did you get lost on the 'path of life' again?" Kakashi asked me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I shrugged. "I never said that,"

Kakashi rolled his eyes and Uncle Minato chuckled, finding this amusing.

Rin showed up with Obito and I couldn't deny that I was annoyed with Obito right now for ditching me two days in a row. I also didn't like Rin because I don't like feeling pushed out of my own friendship.

I didn't look in his or Rin's direction and turned to face Lord Hokage.

"Today, you guys are going to find a cat who went missing," He started. "This isn't just any cat either, it's the Feudal Lord's wife's cat. She's really upset about this,"

I may have stayed quiet, but I couldn't hide my disappointment in my face. I was hoping we'd get something a little more serious than these D-ranked missions.

Why do we keep getting these?

We left the office and we were handed some earpieces.

"These are new devices that they're testing out," Uncle explained. "They'll help you communicate with each other if you're too far away from each other,"

We put them on and I was surprised that he was going to help us with this mission today.

I like cats, so at least this mission will be tolerable.

We started our search and were talking to each other through the earpiece. We were told that this is a black cat with a pink sparkly collar.

"Hey, I found it!" Obito exclaimed, followed by an angry-sounding meow and Obito shouting at the cat.

"Stupid cat!" Obito hissed. "Now I have scratches on my hand,"

"Nice going," Kakashi deadpanned.

"Shut it!" Obito retorted.

Rin almost found the cat, but it turned out to be a different black cat.

"Do you see anything, Hana?" Uncle asked me.

"No, do we even get a hint as to where this cat would be more likely to hide?" I asked.

"I don't think Lord Hokage said anything about that," He replied.

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now