Chapter 33

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We had finally reached the destination to where we were supposed to go and it was too crowded here for my liking.

Jiraiya chuckled and I looked over at him. "What?"

"Nothing," He smirked. "I just remembered my friend since we're close to her gambling area. She's nice and all, but you have to be careful with her. Make her mad and she'll knock your lights out,"

"Is she that short tempered?" I ask.

She sounds worse than Kushina and I.

Jiraiya continued smirking in amusement. "Yup, I was doing my research back in the day and she punched me so hard that she broke six of my ribs,"

"What kind of research were you doing? And she sounds crazy strong,"

"I was doing some research for my book," Jiraiya said.

He stopped at an Inn and got us checked in. He got us a room with two beds and we put our belongings on the bed.

"Get your stuff together and then let me know when you're ready, we are going to start training today," Jiraiya said.

It didn't take me long to get ready.

"Ready!" I said, eagerly.

We started walking to the training ground and when we got there, I put my stuff down and looked at him expectantly.

"Let's start with your rasengan," Jiraiya said.

I nodded.

He took balloons out of his pocket and I used my water ninjutsu to fill them up with water.

"Just do the same thing you did with Minato," he said. "Try not to pop them,"

"Have you seen me do it? I can't do it without popping the stupid balloon!" I huffed with annoyance.

He didn't seem bothered by my whining.

"Now, is that the attitude of a Hokage?" He asked.

He captured my attention when he said this and continued talking, as if he knew the question that was going through my head.

"Minato told me about how you boldly stated you were going to be the Hokage when you were introducing yourself to your team. He really believes that you can become Hokage and-" Jiraiya cut himself off.

He did it on purpose.

"And what?" I push.

"Nothing," He shook his head. "The point is, if you really want to become Hokage, then you need to work on that attitude. All of the previous Hokages understood that they would have a few failures and knew they just needed to keep working at it,"

He demonstrated the technique that I was supposed to do and did it flawlessly. "Try it again,"

I focused my chakra again, remembering the previous steps and what Uncle Minato told me. The balloon started to rotate in my hand and suddenly stopped moving. Just when I thought I had finally got it, it popped and the water splashed me in the face.

"Damnit!" I shouted and took another balloon out to keep trying.

Jiraiya gave me a few pointers here and there. I still didn't manage to not pop it though.

Jiraiya saw how exasperated I was. "Let's take a lunch break,"

I nodded in agreement and put the balloons away. He took out two bento boxes and handed one over to me.

"So, Jiraiya-Sensei," I started a conversation. "You used to train in this spot when you were younger?"

"Yeah," He seemed happy with the name I had called him. "My team used to train here. My friend that I had told you about, the gambling one, kept everyone in check. I tried to get her to help me with my research, but that just resulted in me getting hit,"

He laughed at the memory and told me a few other stories about when he was my age. I was surprised to hear that Orochimaru was normal for once.

"Who was your teacher?" I ask.

"The current Hokage," He said.

"Lord Hokage was your sensei?!"


"That's so cool!"

We both took a bite of our food and he frowned slightly. "Orochimaru...we used to have a rivalry similar to Obito and Kakashi's. He changed one day and let the power get to this head,"

Jiraiya then put his garbage in a plastic bag and looked slightly hopeful. "But I plan to bring him back to his senses one day. I'm sure he'll change one day,"

I put my garbage in the plastic bag and we both stood back up to get back to my training.

I grabbed a water balloon and placed it in my hand. I started to rotate my chakra, applying the previous steps I had learned and took a deep breath. The red balloon started to move around from the rotation and I furrowed my brow in concentration.

I was determined to get this. I needed to impress Jiraiya-Sensei.

Suddenly, the balloon stopped moving and it didn't pop. I got it!

"I did it!" I shouted, capturing Jiraiya's attention.

Even when I wasn't completely focused on it, it still managed to not move around or pop. I stopped it and Jiraiya gave me a thumbs up.

"Good job Squirt!" He smiled. "Keep practicing it and soon you'll be able to make a good rasengan as Minato. Now, we can start on teaching you some new ninjutsu,"

He took out a white slip of paper and handed one over to me.

"What chakra nature do you use right now?" He asked.

"Water. I was taught water release at a young age, so that's the one I can use," I answered.

He nodded. "Okay. These papers will tell me what other chakra natures you have. Since one of your natures happens to be water, the paper is going to get damp,"

"So, what will it do if I have another?" I asked, still a bit confused.

"Then it's going to show the other nature," He said. "For example, if you were to have wind as your second chakra nature, then the paper would dampen from the water and then rip from wind,"

Now I got it.

"Now put your chakra into the piece of paper,"

I did what he said and watched the paper. It dampened first and then wrinkled.

He took it back and nodded. "I see, I'm not surprised since you used to live in the Hidden Cloud Village,"

"So what does it mean if it wrinkles?" I ask.

"That means you're able to use lightning release,"

I liked the sound of that. Now I can use something other than water for the first time ever.

"Are you going to teach me some lightning ninjutsu?" I ask.

"No, but Minato can. I can teach you some more water ninjutsu that are way advanced than the ones you know now,"

"Okay, when are we going to start, Sensei?"

I noticed he was staring off into the distance.


He didn't answer me.

Instead, he had a weird expression plastered on his face and his cheeks started to turn into a reddish color.

"We'll start later kiddo, I've got some research to do!" He exclaimed. He took off leaving me dumbfounded.

"Hey wait! Jiraiya-Sensei?"

"Sensei, where are you going?!"

Torn Between Two (Naruto Fanfiction) *REWRITING*Where stories live. Discover now