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You breathed out once you left the dressing room. After spending fifteen minutes in there with Cordelia, you felt like stabbing your eyes out with a fork. You began to walk away from the door and down the hall. You had successfully memorized more than half of the mansion after Cordelia yanked you through it on a tour. You passed by a large hallway that was an intersection from two other doors. How many rooms do they need, anyways? You passed by a butler who was in the middle of adjusting the tilted pictures hanging on the wall. They weren't even tilted anymore.

"For fuck's sake, they're straight already," your voice rung out. He hummed in confusion and turned to look at you.

"It seems they are," he replied while turning to look at them again. "As straight as me." He looked over his shoulder and winked at you. Had you not of been a good person, you would of killed him right then and there.

"Oh I see..." You nodded, crossing your arms. He chuckled flirtatiously, but you thought he had a hair ball caught in his throat.

"I'm Ruka, but they call me the tailor because of how I thread the needle." His voice got lower and he smirked at you, a glint in his eyes that you took as a challenge.

"Oh really? I'm Y/n, but they call me Popping, because of how I put a bullet through peoples head." Your voice lowered and your eyes got darker. He chuckled nervously and averted his gaze.

"Is-is that so? What an... interesting name..." He replied, obvious uneasiness in his voice. Your brows furrowed into a hard glare.

"What? You wanted to play the game."

"Well yeah, but—"

"—exactly, shut the fuck up and and sit down," you interrupted. He swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat.

"Oh come on... you know you don't want to be here," he began, walking closer to you. You stood where you were and never took your eyes off of him. "I don't really want to be here either." He stopped in front of you. He was about five inches (12 cm) taller than you, but you could still shove your foot up his ass no problem.

"So I thought maybe we could do something..." He trailed off, placing his hand on your shoulder. "... that pleases us both."
You grabbed his arm and twisted it around abnormally, kicking the back of his knees so that he dropped to the floor. He yelped in surprise and pain at the suddenness of it.

"Unfortunately, I do not wish to do anything of that matter. I came here for one job and one job only," you began, holding him down to the floor. "And if you interfere with that job, I will not hesitate to slice open every single blood vessel in your body. Do you understand?"

You nodded in satisfaction and got off of him. Wiping your hands, you turned around and began to walk away from him who was still on the floor, in shock, and slight pain.

'What should I do? The wedding is in two weeks. Great, but what else is there? In order to secure Levi's safety, I need to be wedded to the Hamilton twins...' You thought, walking down the hallway. You weren't normally the type of person to think of a plan. You usually winged it and hoped it would turn out in your favor, but now is different. You had no idea who or what the Hamilton family had control over. You didn't know their arsenal or what they were capable of. There's only one way for you to find out. 

You turned from the direction you were walking in and strode over to where you knew the library was. You entered the large room which spread out through a quarter of the mansion and held thousands of books. You immediately walked to the H section and pulled out multiple books on the Hamilton family. You sat on the chair and opened the first book, reading from the first page.

'The Hamilton family is one of the most prestigious family in Wall Sina. They're lineage dates back before the walls were built a hundred years ago. The Hamilton family possesses a knack for swordsmanship. The Head of the household (usually the older born) previously trained the soldiers-in-training before they moved on to different branches of the military. However, that tradition stopped after the 34th head had died from one of their trainees accidentally shooting a gun. The 45th Head of the Hamilton family was Charlotte Hamilton, a master at swordsmanship and fencing. She had died at age thirty nine after being pushed down the stairs and cracking her head open. That made her two children, Pierce and Cordelia, the 46th head(s) of household, since they are twins.'

You hummed in interest at reading the book. It seemed the picture that Pierce showed you was indeed their mother, and she was a Hamilton. Their father seemed to marry into Charlotte's family.

'Francis Hamilton, previously known as Francis Vang, was responsible for the death of Charlotte. The two had allegedly gotten into a fight over Pierce and Cordelia that led Francis to pushing her down the large flight of stairs out of anger. He was arrested and is now still in jail to this day.'

Your brow lifted in curiosity.

'Charlotte's funeral was comprised of her family, friends, and acquaintances. Her funeral was dark blue themed, her favorite color.'

Your brows furrowed at that statement. Dark blue, huh? If you're not mistaken, your dress was a dark blue. Did Cordelia make your dress blue, despite it being her deceased mother's favorite color? Not wanting to read anymore, you closed the book and placed them all back in their original spot.

'Master swordsman, huh?' You thought, smirking the tiniest bit. You turned and began to walk out of the library.

'If that's true then maybe I'll ask to duel some time.'

Ja ne!

{Ruby Red}

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