Chapter 56

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After escaping the capital city of the Fire Nation, Team Avatar found themselves trekking through a barren land.

The quartet (Aang, Sokka, Toph and Katara) were also being accompanied by some of the kids that were also a part of the original attack force that led the invasion.

As the sun beamed down on the group, Katara found herself saying, "This is so humiliating."

"Do you mean getting thoroughly spanked by the Fire Nation...or having to walk all the way to the Western Air Temple?" Sokka added as was also exhausted from their journey so far.

"Both," Katara conceded as she hung her head.

"Sorry guys," Aang scratched his head, "But with Appa's armor it makes carrying us a little harder."

"It's alright, Aang," Katara smiled tiredly.

"I wonder how the rest of the troops are doing?" Haru asked as he looked off into the distance, "They're probably already on their way to a prison," he looked down now, "It seems like just yesterday my dad just got out and now...he's going back in."

"I miss Pipsqueak," The Duke also sulked.

"I miss not having blisters on my feet," Sokka sighed as they were all still walking.

As Toph was at the forefront of the group, she suddenly took a large step before gasping as her feet sensed something. She took off Kaiyo's straw hat that she refused to part ways with.

"Hey, we're here!" the blind girl exclaimed, "I can feel it!"

"Uh...." Katara was skeptic as the group stared at a canyon that was enveloped in mostly fog, "Toph...I think your feet need their eyes checked."

"No...she's right," Aang smiled, "We are here!"

Sokka looked around himself and the group before shrugging to Aang, " I blind or--?"

"Come on!" Aang hopped on Appa, "You guys are gonna love this!"


Meanwhile, at a little camp, not too far away from the group, Kaiyo was with Azula, Zuko and the rest of the Freedom Fighters as they were busy setting up camp.

"You guys good?" Kaiyo asked everyone and they all proceeded to give their nodded confirmations.

The white haired sighed in relief before looking towards the canyon in the distance.

Azula came and stood by his side.

She glanced at her lover, whom seemed to be in deep thought, and hummed, "You know...we could go and greet them right now..."

"No," Kaiyo answered as he tried to shake off his daydreaming, "It's too soon."

Azula took his hand in her own, "Kaiyo...if you're holding back on seeing them because of can go, I mean it...we'll stay here and--"

"Azula," Kaiyo brought her into his frame and embraced her whilst resting his chin on the top of her head, "I said that we'd do this together and I meant it...I'm not going there without you."

Azula smiled and her eyes watered as she clenched his tunic tightly, "I'd like that..."

Zuko approached the two cautiously, "Uh...hey...guys...sorry to interrupt, but--heh heh..."

Kaiyo released an annoyed groan and Azula giggled before swatting his chest playfully, "Be nice...."

"You're forgetting what he did..." Kaiyo raised a brow at her.

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