Chapter 25

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As Team Avatar flew away, Kaiyo groaned as he held his burned arm. He was panting and sweating profusely.

His vision began getting blurry whilst his ears rang slightly.

"What happened?!" Sokka asked as he and Katara seemed to be in an arguement.

"He wouldn't let me help him!" Katara shot back as she used one hand to gesture to herself and the other to gesture to Kaiyo.

Oka whines from his side and licked Kaiyo's face, trying to make things better, if even just a little bit.

"It's alright, bud," Kaiyo managed to get out, "I'll be...I'll be fine."

"If you had just listened to him then maybe this wouldn't have happened!" Sokka yelled in Katara's face.

"Sokka, I can fight! He didn't have to--" Katara tried to fight back in the argument.

"That's enough!" Aang suddenly shouted as he turned around from his position at the reigns, "Can't you see that Kaiyo's hurt?!"

Aang had tears coming out of his eyes as he lowered Appa into a small clearing of a forest. The kids all hopped off Appa and gently lowered Kaiyo whom let out a painful groan .

"Kaiyo, it's gonna be alright!" Sokka tried to comfort him, but cringed a little when he saw Kaiyo's charred skin at his shoulder.

Kaiyo chuckled painfully, "Well...don't look so hopeful all at once there, genius," Sokka's painful look turned into a sympathetic one.

"Right...Sorry," Sokka patted his good shoulder whilst Aang was pacing and Katara had her arms folded.

"What are you waiting for Katara, heal him!!" Aang asked, beginning to get impatient.

Katara seemed a bit hesitant to move forward, "If he had just trusted me, we wouldn't be in this position here!"

"Are you being serious right now, Katara?!" Sokka went and grabbed her shoulders, "Listen to yourself here for a second! This isn't you!"

"All I'm saying is that if he had just been able to trust us then we wouldn't be here!" Katara was angry.

"No! Not us! Just you...that's all this is about, isn't it?!" Sokka was becoming frustrated. He groaned and scratched his head, "It's always about you! Why can't you just grow up and finally come to terms with the fact that Kaiyo is only looking out for us!"

"Well I never asked him to!" Katara gasped and placed her hands over her mouth.

Sokka was silent and so was Aang as they both stared at Katara. Suddenly chuckling could be heard from behind them. The team all looked back to see Kaiyo trying to get up, using Appa's back with one hand to support himself whilst Oka barked in encouragement.

"Is that it?" Kaiyo said with his head down, "You never asked, huh?"

Kaiyo's stress meter was at its peak. Every single thing that he's been keeping bottled up, seemed like it was built up to this point with Katara.

Kaiyo took a deep breath as the atmosphere around the kids became colder, "Then what about me, Katara? Huh....WHAT ABOUT ME?!"

His voice boomed and frightened the children.

"What, you think I asked to be taken off the front lines?! You think I asked to be shipped from a place where people actually needed me around to a place where I'm treated like filth, HUH?! WELL I DIDN'T!"

Kaiyo walked pass the kids and to a pond in the clearing where he stared angrily at his white hair and blue eyes, "You think I asked to be born a monster?" He looked back to Katara and groaned before holding his burning arm, "You want me tell you why?! Why I never taught you how to fucking bend?! It was because I promised your DAMN father! Who, by the way, didn't want you to turn out like me! The same father who couldn't just leave me to die out in the snow when I wanted to!"

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