Chapter 60

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"Guards, help! There is an imposter!"

Back in the Boiling Rock, Zuko was currently being detained by Sokka as Azula arrived on the scene.

"What happened here?!" Azula immediately feigned ignorance as she helped a female guard to her feet while Sokka still had Zuko held down.

"This guard attacked me!" the female soldier pointed an accusing finger at Zuko whom gritted his teeth.

Thinking quickly, Azula and Sokka both made brief eye contact before nodding towards each other.

"Take him away!" Azula ordered, praying that Zuko would be safe as he is carried away.

More soldiers arrived on the scene.

"What the hell happened here?!" one of them asked once more which prompted Azula to sigh.

'This is gonna be a long day...'


After ensuring that no one noticed them coming in together, Sokka and Azula both made their way to the lounging area for soldiers one after the other.

"Shit!" Sokka cursed as he placed in one corner of the room whilst Azula simply had her arms folded under her bust with her eyes closed. "Zuko's been captured, what do we do now?!"

"Calm down, Sokka," Azula placed a hand on his shoulder, "We just need to think this through calmly and we'll be okay. So just take a deep breath in," she demonstrated and Sokka followed, "And out," once again showing the teen whom followed.

"Alright, I've got it," Sokka smiled.

"Good," Azula returned the gesture and patted his cheek before adopting a serious face now, "Now, how do we do this?"

The Fire Princess of the West and the son of the Southern Water Tribe's chief both began their thought processes.

After quietly assessing the situation at hand, Sokka gasped and pounded one of his fists into an open palm, "I've got it!"

"What is it, genius?" Azula asked, eager to hear Sokka's plan.

"We can use one of the Coolers as a boat to sail across the Lake to escape!"

Azula seemed unsure for a bit and held her chin, "One of the Coolers, huh..."

"Yeah! From the way their built to keep strong Firebenders contained, we can assume that they can withstand the heat of the water!" Sokka reasoned.

"It could work," Azula agreed, "Alright, but first, we have to make sure that the current of the water will be able to help us float to the safety before even thinking of getting in there."

"You're right about that," Sokka nodded.

"Also, we're gonna have to make sure that for whichever Cooler cell we use, it absolutely cannot be in the line of sight of the two main guard towers," Azula also put in which made Sokka hold his chin as well.

"Alright, sounds good," Sokka agreed immediately, seeing as she was right, "Split up?"

"Split up," Azula nodded, "You see about that current and I'll make sure to scout out a good Cooler Cell."

"You got it!" Sokka nodded with a smirk.


After completing their objectives, Azula arranged for Zuko and Suki to share their prison chore schedules with one another whilst her and Sokka were on shift.

Meeting in one of the smaller cafeteria wings, Sokka and Azula both spotted Zuko and Suki mopping together.

They both made their way over there and tugged the two into a corner near a stair case.

Avatar: The Fang Of The South and The Fire Princess Of The West (AZULAXOC)Where stories live. Discover now