Chapter 43

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As Kaiyo and Azula now stood on a hill overlooking Ba-Sing-Se's great city. The Fire Princess took her eyes off of him for a quick moment before kneeling next to Mai and Ty-Lee that were both gagged and covered in blood.

"What did you do?!" Azula asked quickly, venom in her voice.

"Relax," Kaiyo sighed, "It's only pig's blood."

"What?" Azula asked as her face contorted to confusion.

Kaiyo gave her a deadpanned look, "The way to get answers out of a man is through pain and suffering...the way to get answers out of a woman? Ruin their makeup."

Azula immediately sent Ty-Lee a glare to which the girl shrugged with a nervous smile. Mai simply rolled her eyes.

Azula held their faces, "It's gonna be alright, girls."

"Yeah, I'm sure," Kaiyo said, his eyes cold.

Azula began thinking fast, her only option being to accuse Kaiyo of hurting his 'comrades.'

"Kaiyo, you do know that we're Kyoshi--" Azula began, but was cut off.

"I know it's you, Azula!" Kaiyo groaned and held the bridge of his nose.

"Y-You...knew?" Azula asked, "Since when?"

Kaiyo remained silent and gulped before answering, "...From the moment our eyes met when you brought Oka back to me...."

Azula scoffed and looked away from his painful gaze, "So...the date, the was all a part of some sick game to you?!"

It was now Kaiyo's turn to scoff and laugh humorlessly, "Oh, Ha-Ha-Fucking-Ha then! Like you weren't playing some sort of game too?!"

Azula became confused at first, "What're you--?"

Mai and Ty-Lee were moving around, trying to tell them that this was a misunderstanding, but they were still gagged.

"I told you already, Azula," Kaiyo accused, "I know what you and Gin have been planning," he looked to the side and released an amused breath, "I can't believe that I actually thought that you could change."

Azula's heart clenched at the words that left his mouth. Kaiyo continued.

"To even think that for a second... just a stupid second...I was actually starting to like you," Kaiyo turned around and was walking away.

Azula could feel her voice coming out shakily, "Kaiyo, wait--"

"Take care of your friends, Azula," Kaiyo said as he stopped for a second, "I'm giving you one more chance before the chaos starts...If I see you then...I will fight you."

Kaiyo whistled for Oka and the white wolf hesitated, he looked between Azula whom sank to her knees and had tears escaping her eyes for some reason and towards Kaiyo who kept walking.

Azula waved her hand and tried to smile, "Go, Oka...I'll be fine."

The wolf whimpered and rubbed his head against Azula's and the girl laughed before Oka left.

Taking a minute to calm herself, Azula sniffled before wiping away her tears and going to free her friends.

Once she did, the two girls were out of breath from trying to get her attention from before.

"Azula," Mai began, still out of breath, "There are Fire Nation soldiers all over Ba-Sing-Se! They're gonna start attacking soon!"

"Yeah, but..." Ty-Lee thought about it, "Isn't this what we wanted all along? What you wanted, Azula?"

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