Chapter 61 (Preview)

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As everyone in Team Avatar were all enjoying their time off around a campfire Hakoda and Kaiyo had set up, the white haired teen was currently snuggled up next to Azula.

Toph was on her lap as they had a blanket draped over them and they were all equipped with tea that Kaiyo and Zuko had brewed just for the occasion.

Hakoda watched with a smile on his face as he watched Kaiyo and Azula leaning into eachother.

"He looks happy...doesn't he..." Sokka's voice suddenly penetrated the older man's ears, which slightly startled the Water Tribe chief.

Hakoda chuckled as he watched his son, whom was snuggled up next to Suki, "He does."

"Yeah, I've never seen him like this before," Sokka's voice held pride, "Ever since he's been taking care of us, he'd never looked peace before."

Hakoda released a breath of amusement, "You'd never be able to recognize this as the older Kaiyo...he's smiling...I remember back in the War, his eyes...they were void of anything, dull...but now, it's like--"

"Like he's finally found his home," Aang's voice held much promise, "He finally has someone to take care of him."

The three males all closed their eyes in content, satisfied that Kaiyo was finally able to find what he had been looking for his whole life...someone to call home.

Unbeknownst to them however, Katara had heard everything, her eyes gazing over the scene now as well.

That's when she finally saw it, Kaiyo's smile...his actual, genuine smile of content. Something he'd never shown them before, one where he didn't have to worry about where their next meal would come from, one where he'd have to worry about the village's safety, one where he didn't have to worry about covering anybody's tracks or protecting them from the shadows.

He was at his center, right there with Azula in his arms.

Tears began brimming in Katara's eyes, 'I-I've been so selfish...'

Zuko, whom saw the tears in her eyes as he and Mai were currently hugging, exchanged a glance with his girlfriend, whom shrugged.

The Fire Prince hesitantly brough up a hand and waited for a bit, as if afraid, before resting it on her shoulder.

What surprised him however, was what happened next, Katara didn't pull away.

She didn't yell at him...nor did she go into a temper tantrum, she simply sat there and let his hand rest on her shoulder in that comforting gesture.

Back with Azula and Kaiyo whom were snuggled together, the Fire Princess currently had her head on the White Wolf's shoulder as they enjoyed the warmth of the fire.

However, as Azula stared into the fire and listened to it crackle, something kept replaying in her head...the woman from the prison...

"Hey, Kaiyo..." Azula asked, eliciting a hum from the white haired teen, "Can I ask you something?"

Kaiyo's eyes opened and he looked down slightly towards Azula, "Of course, anything..."

"Who's Hama?"

At that point in the camp, the dropping of a penny would have been able to be heard as everyone focused on the two once more, but this time for another reason.

Kaiyo's head quickly shot towards Azula, "W--Where--"

"The Boiling Rock," Azula began, suddenly feeling bad for bringing up the subject, "She...was locked up the same chains like you...she was mumbling something...something about you and Katara..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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