Chapter 47

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Zuko was currently in bed having a somewhat peaceful nap when he heard something from outside of his room.

The Prince's eyes snapped open as he sprung into action. He moved towards the door and rammed right through thinking to catch the intruder.

His eyes widened when he saw no one there, "What?"

Suddenly a gust of wind passed and a scroll that was there fell. Zuko jumped in alarm and glanced over to see the parchment.

"A scroll?" the Prince picked it up and looked around, "....This could be from Gin."

Zuko narrowed his eyes before hiding the scroll in his vest and venturing to Azula's room.

As he knocked, he expected an answer, but nothing came. "Azula?" he knocked again, "Azula, you there?"

After trying a few more times he huffed, "What is she even doing right now?" Zuko wondered before an idea popped into his head, "I doubt it..."

He suddenly turned around and walked to an area his childhood was very familiar with.


Azula was currently in an open courtyard somewhere in the back yard of the palace. Fire Lord Ozai was sitting on his knees with a tray of tea as he watched his daughter firebending.

He glared at her, "QUICKER CHILD!"

Azula was gasping for breath as sweat escaped her pores, she wiped her sweaty forehead, "But Father...I've been practicing since morning--"

"Tomorrow we showcase your talents for your grandfather, Azula," Ozai got up and went over to his daughter that took a knee to replenish her stamina.

"I-I know father, but--"

"Do you wish me to embarrass me girl?" Ozai stood in front of Azula, casting a shadow over her tiny figure, "Your mother would disapprove...and you wouldn't want mummy to hate you more...would you?"

Azula jerked slightly, "Y-You really think mummy would like me if I impressed Grandpa, father?"

Ozai smirked as he extended his hand out to his daughter, "Of course dear, she'd call you her favourite little girl."

Azula smiled and took her father's hand as he helped her stand up, the little Princess got into a stance, "Then I'll do my best!"

"Excellent," Ozai watched with a pleased smirk as went back to work.

However, hiding behind a pillar leading to entrance of the courtyard, a younger Zuko peeped in and watched as Azula practised long and meticulously.


Zuko shook his head at the memory, 'Mother was always afraid of Azula...I didn't know at the time, but Father always used Azula's need to get mom to like her to his advantage...'

The teenager suddenly found himself in the backyard of the palace once again, at the very same private training grounds as before.

Azula currently wore a standard Fire Nation training outfit which consisted of a red and black color schemed vest and cargo pants.

The Fire Nation Princess was going through the motions as she swayed her hands and moved her feet in slow succession, much different to her erratic battles with Kaiyo.

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