Chapter 23

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As the sun gleamed down on Team Avatar, Kaiyo is seen on a rock in the middle of a river stream meditating whilst Aang and Katara were practicing waterbending.

Sokka was with Momo as they both floated on a giant leaf, which surprisingly held up Sokka's weight.

Appa and Oka were merely lying beside the river bank watching as the fishes occasionally skimmed by.

"You guys are gonna be done soon, right?" Sokka asked from his leaf as he floated around.

"Yeah, we've got a lot of ground to cover guys," Kaiyo added as he continued to meditate.

"Well...excuse me for actually wanting to teach Aang," Katara suddenly chimed, prompting a grumble out of Kaiyo.

"Oh yeah, I'll teach you something about respect, how about little..." Kaiyo eventually had to take a deep breath before trying to find his 'inner peace,' 'Or some shit along those lines...'

"Why don't we get back to the lesson, Katara?" Aang tried to get back to work.

"Right, now where were we?" Katara asked, completely forgetting what just happened.

"You were telling me about the octopus stance," Aang replied.

"Right, show me your stance," Katara watched as Aang got into a fighting position with his hands and legs spread out beyond shoulder length, "Alright, just um...bring in your arms a little more--"

"That's not how he's supposed to do it," Kaiyo said as he is now seen with his arms and legs folded.

"Hey, who's his teacher here?!" Katara fired back.

"I'm just saying, if you wanna call yourself his teacher...then try teaching him the right thing for a change," Kaiyo simply shot back.

"Oh, you want me to teach you something--Woah!" Katara was cut off by a tendril of water wrapping around her ankle and lifting her into the air.

Kaiyo sighed as he hopped off the rock he was on and walked over to Katara and Aang whilst lowering the tendril that currently held the Water Tribe girl upside down.

"Listen here little girl," Kaiyo spoke up, "Pakku may have recognized you as a master...but don't go getting too over confident. Even masters still have a lot of learning to do," Kaiyo said as Katara glared.

"Oh yeah, well--Agh!" Katara couldn't get to finish as she was suddenly dropped into the water as Kaiyo left and went to put on his dry clothes, "Hey--!"

"Direct Aang's arms closer to his center so that he can protect himself properly from surprise attacks," Kaiyo got out his sweater and placed it on, "You see, in the scrolls that they gave you, it'd say to keep your arms further apart, but when you go out and experience combat, you'll find that having them too spaced out leaves you open....but most people wouldn't know that since changing the style of bending is considered controversial."



Aang and surprisingly, even Katara found themselves engrossed in what Kaiyo was saying. Katara snapped out of it quickly however.

"Pfft, yeah, right," Katara had her hands on her hips, "Look, whatever's written down in the scrolls is what's supposed to be followed in the first place."

"Yeah...just like how the Northern Water Tribe's traditions were supposed to be followed too, huh," Kaiyo was now putting on his short sleeved coat.

"W--Well--" Katara was flustered.

"Just try it, Katara," Kaiyo simply stated as he went over to Appa and laid down against the flying bison with his hands behind his head and hat now covering his face from the sun, "You'll find that even liars can tell the truth sometimes...well, since I am still a liar, right?"

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