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Name: Kaiyo

Nationality: Southern Water Tribe

Ethnicity: Water Tribe

Military Rank: Water Tribe Platoon Lieutenant (formerly), Water Tribe Military Advisor (formerly)

Nicknames: The Fang of the South (By the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation), The White Wolf (By the Northern and Southern Water Tribes), Rough-Road (By Toph), Young Fang (By Iroh) 

Age: 17 (Born 83 AG)

Gender: Male

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: White

Skin Colour: Brown

Weapon of choice: Dual Blades, Knives, Daggers, Spears, Bow and Arrows, Whips, Axes, Staffs, Water, Ice, etc...

Fighting Style: Water Tribe Warrior Style, Swordsmanship, Marksmanship, Northern Water Tribe Waterbending Style, Southern Water Tribe Waterbending Style etc...

Personality: Kaiyo is a very calm and level headed person, however he is also portrayed as a lazy and laid back soul-- the only exception to his lazy rule being when he has to take care of his animal/hunting companion, Oka. He does not tend to talk much, but does when he finds it necessary.

He looks out for those that he holds close and is prone to making snarky remarks at times and gets along well with the elderly around him. He also tends to get along with spirits.

(A/N): So this was supposed to be done a WHILE ago, but I thought that I'd clarify here the lore of Okami and Kitsune a bit more for you guys to understand.

Starting with Okami and Kitsune: They were two spirits that met in the Spirit World, Okami being a sort of guardian over the realm that helped Avatar Wan with maintaining balance.

Kitsune was a spirit born from Vaatu with the intentions of freeing him from his captivity that Wan placed him in. When Raava sensed this, she and Wan tasked Okami with eradicating the spirit and bringing back balance to the worlds.

However, Okami and Kitsune fell in love. This didn't sit well with Wan and Raava so they battled the lovers and eventually, Okami and Kitsune were imprisoned as well, far away from each other. 

The Avatars that followed after Wan all returned to the Spirit World to reinforce the binds that held Okami and Kitsune. However, after Avatar Roku, there was never another Avatar to come and strengthen the prisons for almost 100 years.

This is because Aang was trapped in the Avatar State in the iceberg which began to deteriorate his life force as well as his mortal body.

Now, in the original canon events, this didn't seem to have any negative effects on Aang. But in this story, Aang was supposed to die in the iceberg and be reincarnated.

On the night that Raava was supposed to inhabit a new host, her hold on Okami and Kitsune was at its weakest. So the lovers devised a plan to escape the Spirit World and give up their immortality to be with one another in human form.

Now onto Kaiyo: Kaiyo was supposed to be the next Avatar originally, he is the reincarnation of Aang in the cycle, but where Raava was supposed to inhabit him, Okami had one final trick up his sleeve, in a way of spitting in Raava's face for imprisoning him and his lover, he took Raava's new host which forced Raava back into Aang.

Azula: On that very same night to the West, Zuko and his twin sister, Azula were born.

(Yes, they are twins in this story)

Kitsune decided to take on Azula as her host which was mainly due to Azula's strong lineage and potential.

Aunt Ming and Oka: As a sort of fail safe kind of method, Okami and Kitsune ended up splitting their souls into two forms, the two things that made them immortal in the first place.

Their power and their memories.

Their powers were transferred to their first hosts which were Kaiyo and Azula and their memories were placed into two other hosts with their memories.


Aunt Ming, was originally a medic on the battlefield that had died during action. The exact moment that Azula was born, the original Ming had died, this gave Kitsune the chance to split her spirit.

The same goes for Okami, the very same moment he was born, a wolf cub was born as well.

This is where things get a little funny. The original plan was for Okami and Kitusne to ONLY inhabit human vessels.

But our boy Okami didn't seem to understand that, so he went into a wolf THINKING that Kitsune was going to inhabit a fox.

And that's basically THAT! Let me know if you guys understood the story so far, I know it can be confusing because of my amateur story telling, but if I get the feedback I need, then I'll be able to make another Author's Note to better help you guys understand.

Can't wait to see you in Book 3!


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