Chapter 12

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As the days went on, Team Avatar found themselves resting in a forest still a good ways away from the Northern Water Tribe.

They were just packing up their supplies when Aang asked where Momo was. They then heard the lemur's pleas for help from afar.

"Let's go," Kaiyo said and took off with Oka.

"Right behind ya!" Aang called and followed after the duo.

Sokka and Katara trailed behind a bit until they all ended up where Momo and two other forest animals were.

Kaiyo watched the booby traps carefully, "There doesn't seem to be any other traps, Aang if you can lower the trap we'll be able to free him."

"On it!" Aang levitated himself upwards and lowered the cage for Momo to escape.

Kaiyo watched as the other two forest animals whined from their cages. Aang felt sorry for them and was about to go free the two, but Kaiyo sent Sokka a glance.

Sokka nodded and threw his boomerang which had sharp edges, freeing the animals. "Nice," Sokka said as he recieved his boomerang.

"Good work, Sokka," Kaiyo patted him on the shoulder.

Sokka felt even prouder of himself as Aang came down, "Well, that works," the Avatar remarked as he went to Katara's side.

Sokka knelt down and inspected the cages more carefully, "This is Fire Nation," he looked to Kaiyo whom hummed.

"We should get going," Kaiyo said and tipped his hat to cover his face.

When they got back to their original camp site and began getting ready to mount their supplies on Appa Sokka intervened.

"Ah-Ah, no flying this time," Sokka went and took the supplies off of Appa.

"Why can't we fly?" Aang was confused.

Sokka then went on to explain his theory whilst Kaiyo and Oka were sitting by a tree enjoying the breeze that passed through the forest.

The trio of younger teens then then got into a minor arguement which gradually built up to a discussion about who was the leader of the team.

"If anyone's the leader, it's Aang," Katara answered smugly, "I mean, he is the the Avatar."

"Are you kidding, he's just a goofy kid," Sokka answered and they both looked to Aang whom was hanging upside down from Appa's horn.

"He's right!" Aang laughed a bit as he fixed himself, "But I'd think the real leader of the group would be Kaiyo."

The trio then looked at the eldest of the group who was sleeping against the tree trunk at this point.

Sokka and the rest of the group sighed as they noticed his current state. "Yeah...that's our leader."

Katara and Aang laughed, but still made sarcastic remarks about Sokka's decision to walk. Kaiyo was neutral about the whole thing.

As the group were walking through the forest with their stuff, Aang and Katara were at the back whilst Sokka and Kaiyo were to the forefront.

Sokka decided to interrogate Kaiyo a bit, "So, Kaiyo...back when Aang and Katara were waterbending, I thought you gave them some really good advice!"

"Uh...thanks, Sokka," Kaiyo answered, sending a quick glance to Oka whom merely whined a bit.

"Yeah," Sokka smirked, "But--uh, I'm curious, that friend of yours, what was their name again, I can't remember?"

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