Chapter 8

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In the forest of a far off land Katara, Aang, Oka and Kaiyo can be seen lounging around as the sounds of nature kept them company.

Soon they hear Sokka return with Momo bearing food with him. "Great, your back, what did you get for dinner?" Aang levitated to Sokka and Katara as he wanted to see what Sokka had gotten.

Kaiyo however, stayed in his original position with his hands behind his head as it rested on Oka whom was also resting.

Sokka then started talking about all the nuts he had gathered for them to eat, much to their....zeal.

Suddenly feeling the Earth shake beneath them, Kaiyo peeked at them through his straw hat, "Geez guys, I thought we talked about this, if you can't handle the chilli, then pass it."

Katara and Aang ran toward the shaking whereas Sokka commented, "Shouldn't we running away from the boom?!"he eventually took off after them.

"Seriously.... nothing?" he asked, "Man.... tough crowd." He went back to rest.

Eventually Sokka came back, "Hey Kaiyo, we spotted an Earthbender so Aang and Katara want to go after 'em, you coming?"

"Hm..." he thought about it, "Sure, why not." He dusted himself off and followed the gang into the town with Oka closely behind.

"Woah, this hat is just like Kaiyo's, I'll trade you some nuts for it," Aang spoke to a vendor making Kaiyo smile a bit.

Aang laughed up at Kaiyo, "Look Kaiyo, I look just like you!"

"That you do kiddo, now all you need is my killer sense of humor," Kaiyo said prompting Sokka to chuckle.

It was then that they noticed Katara shouting, "Hey!"

Rushing into a shop, Katara followed the boy from earlier. Shortly after, the rest of the gang arrived into the shop in time for Aang to confirm the boy's identity as an Earthbender.

The woman behind the counter automatically turned into an alert mode, not going unnoticed by Kaiyo. She then scolded the boy for being careless.

The boy then made a comment about the clothes Kaiyo and the others wore. Aang and the others checked their clothing. That was until they heard, "Hey, open up!"

Sokka and Kaiyo exchanged a look and Sokka peeped through the window, " Fire Nation, quick, act natural!"

The door was opened by the mother and the guards were fortunate enough to see Sokka talking to an apple, Katara shovelling grapes into her mouth, Haru smoldering for no reason and Aang leaning on a barrel of water that opened and he fell into.

Oka merely sat wagging his tail staring at the Fire Nation soldiers and Kaiyo was leant against a wall with his hat down and arms folded.

"What do you want? I've already paid you this week," the boy's mother said to the soldiers whom then made comments about them not wanting an 'accident' to happen where her shop would be burned down.

Kaiyo narrowed his eyes as the mother gave in. Sokka then asked about the village's condition where the mother then explained the specifics to them.

Katara ended up trying to convince the mother to let her son bend. "We apologize for her outburst," Kaiyo ended up saying causing the woman to shake her head.

"No, it's alright, please...why don't you kids stay with us for the night until you have yourselves figured out."

"Thank you," Kaiyo bowed slightly to the woman to which she nodded.


Later that day Haru ended up escorting them to the barn that they had, to which Kaiyo immediately went and sank into a pile of hay, relaxed.

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