Chapter 28

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As the sun rose on the horizon, Kaiyo is seen with his bandaged body meditating in a canyon situated just next to a forest.

The white haired teen took a deep breath, 'Hah..There's nothing like some peace and qui--'

"Kaiyo! Today's the day!" Aang's loud and excited voice broke Kaiyo's concentration, "Can you believe it, after all this time I finally have an Earthbending teacher!"

"That's great, Airhead," Kaiyo sighed and got up to get himself the tea that he had heating up under a fire.

The eldest of the group poured the liquid into a cup before relishing in its richness. He looked over to the rest of the Team as Aang woke them up with his bubbly mood still in full swing.

Kaiyo watched as Aang apologized to Sokka.

"Oh, were you asleep?" Aang asked Sokka whom groaned as a response.

Kaiyo chuckled and walked over to Aang, placing a hand on the monk's bald head, "Alright, that's enough of that."

"Sorry," Aang laughed nervously whilst rubbed the back of his neck.

Kaiyo was about to say something else before the Earth beneath their feet began rumbling. He and Aang both looked over to Toph's Earth tent which imploded.

"Good morning Earthbending student!" Toph ever so loudly greeted.

"Good morning, Shifu-Toph," Aang bowed respectfully.

"Hey, you never called me or Kaiyo Shifu before," Katara groaned out as she woke up.

Kaiyo chuckled as he brought over a cup of tea for her. She accepted it, giving him a quick, "Thank you."

"No problem," Kaiyo said as he went over Appa's discarded saddle and leaned back on the side of it just as Oka popped his head up, "Morning bud."

Oka licked the white haired teen's face, prompting him to chuckle. Just then Sokka's scream of fright could be heard as he was launched into the air.

"AHHH--" Sokka fell right into Kaiyo arms.

"Morning," Kaiyo greeted and Sokka merely began mumbling curses under his breath as he wiggled out of the teen's arms with a blush of embarrassment on his face and hopped away, still grumbling.

"So, what move are you gonna teach me first?!" Aang excitedly asked as he went over to Toph, " The Rock-alanche?! The Trembler?! Or maybe I can learn how to--"

"Woah! Easy there Airhead!" Kaiyo chuckled as he poured out some tea for a disgruntled Sokka, "Why don't you leave the teaching to the Runt for the time being, hm?"

"But--" Aang was still overly-zealous.

"Actually, Rough-Road's right, Twinkle-Toes," Toph stated with her hands on her hips, "We should stick to the basics before we get into the heavy stuff."

"Exactly, now..." Kaiyo went over and checked a pot that had been stewing, "Let's have some vegetable-stew, it'll keep you rugrats going for the day."

"Ou, I'm in!"

"Me too!"

"Don't forget me!"

"I guess I could go for some breakfast."

Sokka, Katara, Aang and Toph all answered as they went over to get their bowls for breakfast.

Kaiyo went over to start getting Appa, Oka and Momo their breakfasts as well.

When he was done, he released a breath of amusement as he saw Appa eating the leaves off of a tree branch he chopped down before the sun had a chance to rise, Momo was eating grapes and for Oka, fish.

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