Chapter 48

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Zuko and Gin were still in the drunk man's room where the scarred prince was still trying to extract information.

"Gin...what'd you just say?" Zuko asked again.

"Huh?" Gin was trying to make himself comfortable, "I duh know..."

The elder of the two was falling asleep, Zuko slapped his cheek lightly a few times to wake him up.

"Hey-Hey," Zuko was trying to wake him up properly, "Now's not the time to fall asleep, not yet."

Gin pushed his hand away lightly, "Alrigh--Alright...Your parents...they had another kid before you two..."

Zuko's eyes widened, "What?!"

Gin laughed weakly, "Yeah...right after Father got my mother pregnant with me...we were kicked out of the palace and sent to live in the slums..."

Zuko simply listened to the story being told.

"He just left her there...with nothing, but the clothes on her back and an unborn baby," Gin suddenly tears in his eyes, "He thought that it was all over for him and children...but then, a few months later. Your mother came to him...pregnant as well."

Zuko had to pass his hands through his hair and lower his head, "No way...what happened to the baby."

Gin laughed, "Poor little thing died as soon as it was born," Zuko's eyes watered, "Ursa was devastated...and they tried again...but no success."

Gin looked to the side, away from Zuko as he continued, "But then...three years later...she was pregnant again--"

"--With Azula and I," Zuko finished for him.

"Yeah," Gin growled, "They were so happy and elated," Gin scoffed, "Makes me sick..."

"What does this has to do with the child of prophecy, Gin?" Zuko asked again.

Gin waved him off, "I'm getting--" he hiccuped, "I'm getting there."

Zuko sighed, but stayed silent for the drunk man to continue.

"Ursa...being frightened that her newborn was going to die...went to see an oracle," Gin's breathing became heavier as his urge to vomit was surfacing, "Father accompanied her of course...and that's when it happened..."

"What, Gin?" Zuko pressed lightly.

Gin laughed, "The Oracle said.." he laughed again, "She said that they were expecting twins...Ursa was happy...but that wasn't all the news," his smile slowly turned to a scowl, "The oracle said that one of you...were going to be born lucky...and the other would have been lucky to be born..."

"One of us was supposed to die that night," Zuko was still putting two and two together...just as Gin vomited on the ground,  right next to his bed.

Zuko cringed when he saw the contents of Gin's incident. He gagged slightly, "What did you eat...?"

Gin wiped his mouth off lazily before lying back on the bed properly, "Ozai...thought that...thought that he was only going to expect one child...but that night...something miraculous happened...a spirit came and inhabited the life of one of his children--"

Zuko got to his feet, "Impossible!"

Gin chuckled and swayed his head, "Think what you may, Zuko...but... It is true... the first of the twins was born without a problem... but the second child... she was something else... something... powerful... beautiful... dangerous..."

Zuko began pacing, "Then... the only reason why Azula was given so much attention as a child was because--"

"Yup," Gin smugly stated, "Was because all your father wanted... was to prevent his vision from being known."

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