Chapter 52

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In the yard of the home Kaiyo and the kids were currently staying in, Azula and Kaiyo were currently sparring against one another.

The Fang of the South and Fire Princess of the West both had their hands up in front of their faces as sweat cascaded down their faces.

Azula smirked and made a 'bring it on' gesture to Kaiyo whom huffed.

"Careful what you ask for!" Kaiyo exclaimed as he charged and took a swing at Azula whom ducked under the swing  and tried to sweep Kaiyo's legs.

The white haired teen hopped back and attempted to roundhouse kick the Fire Princess whom caught his leg and still managed to trip him.

Kaiyo groaned, but quickly used his feet to trip Azula as well whom groaned when she connected with the ground.

The two of them looked to eachother before kicking themselves up quickly and kept sending jabs at eachother.

Azula sent a combo of left and right jabs only for Kaiyo to bob and weave his way through her attacks.

He waited for a second before charging and grabbing Azula by her knees and lifted her into the air.

"Woah-Woah--Ugh...!" Azula groaned as Kaiyo body slammed her.

She tried to regroup, but Kaiyo quickly pinned her hands above her head. She struggled for a bit before eventually giving up and panting on the ground.

She sent Kaiyo a tired grin, "Not bad, Fang..."

"Better luck next time, Princess," Kaiyo also smirked, but seemed to be his downfall.

Azula wrapped her legs around his waist and quickly rotated them so she now straddled him. Kaiyo groaned as he bumped his head on the ground.

He was about to get up, but Azula grabbed his neck and held him down, she raised an amused brow, "You were saying?"

Kaiyo released an amused breath, "Fine, I concede."

"That's what mama likes to hear," she chuckled as she got off of him and extended her hand for him to take.

He sat up and accepted it, the both of them then decided to settle down under the tall tree in the middle of the yard.

In the passing weeks Kaiyo and Azula had gotten much closer, with Ming being rescued, Azula had nothing else planned yet.

She and Ming decided that they would simply stay in this house from now on since it was well hidden away from the capital and better yet...the people of the village didn't like to get involved with the nation's politics.


Was she complaining...not at all...

The former enemies were both currently just enjoying the feeling of the breeze of the midday when Azula sighed and leaned back against the tree.

"Who would've thought..." Azula closed her eyes and smiled.

"What are you mumbling about?" Kaiyo asked as he leaned back as well and smirked at her.

"From being enemies to friends... I never would have thought it possible a few years ago," Azula mused and relished in the sound of Kaiyo deep chuckle.

"I guess so," Kaiyo stole a chance to admire Azula's features as she used a towel to wipe her sweat.

"What?" Azula asked as she smiled in confusion, a light blush on her cheeks.

Kaiyo cleared his throat, "Nothing...I was just thinking about how I let you win that last round."

"Oh, you wanna go again?" Azula challenged and Kaiyo huffed.

Avatar: The Fang Of The South and The Fire Princess Of The West (AZULAXOC)Where stories live. Discover now