Chapter 22

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Currently out at sea, Kaiyo stood on the deck of one of the Northern Water Tribe ships. The winds swayed his hair as he had his straw hat hanging from his neck.

He looked down at his hands with a solemn look on his face...


Kaiyo's muscles felt weak as he began to regain consciousness. He heard the voices of the kids all arguing as he laid down on a soft mattress.

"What do you mean he betrayed us?!" Sokka asked, exasperated at the accusation being thrown around.

"Sokka, Kaiyo is a waterbender!" Katara's voice seemed angry, "For the past year we've been living with a 'legend' who could take down fleets of ships and hundreds of soldiers--"

"Well, I'd probably say thousands--"



Aang and Katara tried to keep his attention on the task at hand.

"Look, all I'm saying is MAYBE he had a good reason," Sokka folded his arms. Katara and Aang didn't seem convinced, prompting Sokka to groan, "Kaiyo has done nothing but look out for us ever since we've known Katara...a-and Aang, since you've known Kaiyo has he ever led you astray?"


"Exactly!" Sokka dramatically gestured toward the, suspectedly-unconscious teen, "And has he ever kept anything else from you?!"

Aang seemed to be contemplating when Katara grabbed his shoulder, "Aang, Sokka's just trying to redirect. If Kaiyo had REALLY cared he would've taught us to waterbend when he had the chance."

Aang seemed torn as he looked between Sokka whom was by Kaiyo's bed and Katara whom stood to his side with her hands on her waist.

"I mean...she's kinda right, Sokka," Aang rubbed his arm as he looked down, "If he had just taught us how to Waterbend back at the South Pole...then maybe all of this wouldn't have happened..."

"Exactly!" Sokka threw his hands up.


"Say what now?"

Aang and Katara raised their brows in wonder, thinking Sokka might have just proven their point for them.

"Katara, if we hadn't left the South Pole, do you think you'd have ever gotten to see the outside world?" Sokka seemed adamant on his point of thinking, "Would you have met Haru, learned about your destiny or even meet Master Pakku?!"

Katara looked down.

"And Aang, do you think you would've been able to have fun in going on this journey alone... and what do you think would've happened if we weren't there with you when you saw what happened to the Air Nomads?!" Sokka continued to his rant until he eventually sighed, " I the ONLY voice of reason when Kaiyo is out of commission?"

The kids suddenly heard Kaiyo chuckle, "Sorry I left you to go through that alone, genius."

"Kaiyo!" Sokka gasped and rushed to the bed, hugging the life out of him.

"Sokka...still injured buddy," Kaiyo groaned slightly, but patted Sokka's head.

"Right...Sorry," Sokka cleared his throat before looking back to Katara and Aang whom made no effort to get any closer.

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