Chapter 32

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(A/N): UNEDITED...also...sorry for the wait...

As Team Avatar along with Ying and her family walked along their final few miles to Ba-Sing-Se, Toph suddenly stopped.

"What is it?" Katara asked the blind girl as Toph took a knee and placed a hand on the ground.

"Theres something nearby...something big," Toph replied which made Sokka roll his eyes.

"Yeah...A CITY!" Sokka dramatically gestured to the great wall in front of them.

"No...not that...something else," Toph remarked and looked toward Kaiyo.

The white haired held his chin in thought and looked towards Ying and her newborn baby before sighing.

"Airhead, you think you can fly ahead and scout out what's going on?" Kaiyo asked the little monk.

Aang saluted, "Will do!"

He got beat flaps of his staff out before gliding away.

"We should keep moving," Sokka said which made Kaiyo nod.

"That's a good idea," the white haired teen replied as he along with everyone else took to walking in their original route to Ba-Sing-Se.

After a while Aang swooped back in with a panicked look on his face.

"We've got a problem!" Aang exclaimed.

"What's up, Airhead?" Kaiyo placed a hand on Aang's shoulder, "What's got you so spooked?"

...   ...

As a giant Fire Nation drill approached Ba-Sing-Se's walls, Princess Azula and her group were all currently sitting in special seats assigned to them as Gin barked orders towards the frightened soldiers in the command room.

"This drill is a fete of scientific ingenuity and raw destructive power," Gin suddenly turned towards them as he along with another general oversaw the progress of the drill's approach.

"Yes, Princess, once it tunnels through the wall our troops will storm their city!" the other general assisted, "The Earth Kingdom will finally fall and you can--"

"I can, General," Gin suddenly stepped in, "I'm the one in charge...therefore, I'm the one that's going to claim Ba-Sing-Se...with all due respect to the Princess ofcou--"

"Shut your mouth already, would you do that for me, Gin?" Azula folded her legs and placed her hands on her lap as she wore her battle armor.

"What's got you in such a bad mood?" Mai asked as she played with her dagger, not even seeming to care--contrary to her question, "Well...worse mood actually."

"I'm always in a bad mood, Mai," Azula replied as she shook her ankle impatiently.


As Azula and her team were all looking at the drill's final stages of construction, she noticed another ship being sailed into harbor.

This late arrival of the ship wouldn't have a made much of an impact on her originally, but something about the way was currently sinking on it's way here made it all the more intriguing.

She walked over to the port where the captain and whatever remaining crew members he had jumped off before the ship's engine finally exploded  from overuse.

"What happened?" Azula made her presence known which frightened the captain into salute along with his battered crew.

"Your highness!"

Avatar: The Fang Of The South and The Fire Princess Of The West (AZULAXOC)Where stories live. Discover now