Chapter 30

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(A/N): Another unedited one guys...sorry...


"How could you let them take Appa and Oka?!" Aang shouted as glanced back at Toph, "Why didn't you stop them?!"

"I couldn't, the library was sinking," Toph tried to reason, "You guys were still inside and--"

"You could've come to get us," Aang stalked toward Toph, "I could've saved them!"

"I can hardly feel any vibrations out here, the sandbender snuck up on me and there wasn't time for--" Toph began.

"You just didn't care!" Aang shouted with a glare, "You never liked them, you wanted them gone!"

"ENOUGH!" Kaiyo finally made his presence known.

The kids all jolted at his tone, even Sokka who was busy looking for a path for them to follow.

Kaiyo was still kneeling in the sand, hit hat now hanging from his neck as he had a piece of paper in his hand.

It was a rough sketch of Oka, his tears suddenly began pouring from his eyes again, but he quickly wiped them away, "Enough...please, just...shut up. I can't deal with this right now."

"K-Kaiyo...We're--" Katara went over to him.

"I said enough, Katara," Kaiyo finally got to his and took a deep breath, 'Stay're out in the desert and you have keep your wits about you...just a little longer...'

He kept chanting in his head eventhough he so badly wanted to yell, scream and thrash about anybody that dared irritated him.

"This desert is too big," Sokka looked around, "We'll never make it out of this alive."

"That's all any of you care about!" Aang began trudging away, "You don't care if Appa is okay or not!"

Katara looked to see if Kaiyo was going to say something, but he didn't so the watertribe girl merely sighed and stepped forward, "We're all concerned, but we can't afford to be fighting now."

Aang suddenly raised his head and had a menacing look on his face, "I'm going after Appa!" The monk tapped his staff and its flaps came out, "Are you coming or not Kaiyo?!"

Kaiyo seemed to be contemplating, but as he looked back at the kids. He saw that they were all either hungry, thirsty, afraid or all of the above.

He looked back down to the sketch, 'I will come and find you old friend...but please...give me time...I beg of you...'

Kaiyo looked back to Aang, "We have to keep moving--"

"You can't be serious!" Aang scoffed, "And you said you loved're just a lier like the rest of them..."

Aang took off without a beat. The rest of Team Avatar watched as the master of all elements flew away into the distance.

Sokka walked up to Kaiyo, about to place a hand on his shoulder, "You did--"

"Come on," Kaiyo suddenly walked over to Toph and decided to give her a piggyback ride since she seemed exhausted from trying to hold up the library.

"Y-Yeah..." Sokka muttered as he and Katara both shared worried glances. It seemed as though Kaiyo was trying to play off the fact that he wanted to go with Aang badly.

Because he did...he really did. But he couldn't, not when the kids needed him. Oka was always there for Kaiyo when he needed, but now...Kaiyo couldn't be there for him.

It was devastating and eating him up inside. So much so that the once he found out who took Appa and Oka...they were in for a rude awakening.

Toph held on to Kaiyo tightly as she used his hat as shelter from the burning sun. She could feel his body shiver with both anger and depression.

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