Chapter 5

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As the sun began to rise on the horizon, Aang and Katara were seen already getting ready for the day. "Wait till you see it Katara. The Southern Air Temple is beautiful!" Aang said as he was making sure Appa's reigns were ready.

"Aang, I know you're excited, but it's been a hundred years since you've been home," Katara consoled as she was finished with packing her sleeping bag.

"Mhm," Kaiyo loosely stated as he is seen lying on the saddle with his arms behind his head which was resting on Oka.

"But that's why I'm so excited," Aang zealously added.

"...It's just, a lot could change around that time..." Katara tried. She looked to Kaiyo for some sort of help only to see the Water Tribe native trying to get more relaxed than he already was, much to her twitching eyebrow's expense.

"I know, but I need to see it for myself," the airbender said as he hopped off Appa to wake up Sokka.

As he did that Katara smiled until he was out of ear shot...... then she threw a pot at Kaiyo's head.

"What was that for?!"he asked as he growled.

"Really?! You couldn't at least try to help ease the blow," she folded her arms with a quick "Hmph."

Kaiyo sighed before going back to his relaxing, "Eh, seems troublesome" He stretched as he began to recollect a memory.

An old man stood before him in a straw hat while sitting under a tree. "They say that since the next Avatar was prophesied to be an air nomad..... the Fire Nation attacked all of them, effectively killing the remaining monks of the temples."

The old man took a smoke, "That's all speculation though, no hard evidence..... unless you got some change that is..." the old man cackled.

The scene goes white and Kaiyo is finally comfortable on the Flying Bison as he soon hears, "Yip-Yip!"

And the gang was off....


After what seemed like a lifetime of flying, Kaiyo had decided to sit close to Aang whom was at the front flying Appa.

They shared a comfortable silence as Kaiyo leaned back and relaxed as Aang flew. "...Aang, I want to tell you something..."

"Of course Kaiyo, what is it?" Aang excitedly asked as he was still bubbly over the fact that he was going home.

"Like Katara had said...a lot can change in a hundred years. You're a good kid Aang, and..." he looked at Aang's grin, "...and I just hope that the monks welcome you back like you expected."

"Oh! I know they will, you know, we monks have a great sense of humor, y'know. We might just joke about it," Aang smiled a proud smile as his eyes screamed with innocence, "Thanks Kaiyo..."

"No problem," he looked at Aang and then to his right where he would face palm himself and start knocking his head against the edge of Appa's saddle.

'No problem?! Idiot!' he scolded himself. 'All you had to say was, "Hey Aang... y'know I'd hate to break this news to you, but.... your family and everything you've ever known is gone.... because they're dead."....see, not that hard.'


When they arrived Aang immediately wanted to enter the temple,  " Why don't we just make a grand entrance?!"

Kaiyo intervened, "Uh, Aang why don't we take a walk instead, I'm feeling a little sleepish. C'mon, you can give us a tour of the mountain and what you guys do for fun."

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