Chapter 35

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In the desert just outside of Wan-Shi-Tong's library, Appa is heard groaning as he is being held down by dozens of long strips of rope by the Sand-Raiders of that area.

Oka had also been subdued by almost the same amount of men whom didn't manage to be so lucky in escaping unscathed.

The wolf growled and bared his fangs as he glared at his captures, "Filty mutt!"

One of the Sand-Raiders came and beat him with a club. The wolf whimpered as he was being beaten.

Appa heard this and let out a might roar as he tried to save his friend, but was eventually overpowered by the Sand-Raiders whom bended the dust beneath their feet to trap them to the ground.

Oka slipped out of consciousness as he tried to bark out to Appa, but it only came out in a whimper as he was struck one last time by the club.

The Sand-Raiders all panted as they now had the animals they wanted. One of them spoke as they were gliding away, "Was that even worth it?"

"Have you seen any Sky-Bisons or white wolves running around lately?" the leader asked, "I didn't think so!"

The men all sighed, "I'm just saying, if your father found out--"

"He won't!" the Sand-Raider leader shouted, "And we'll be making a great profit on these pieces of trash...their owners won't find and even if they do...they can't touch me..."

"I mean...I don't know about all that," one of the Sand-Raider thugs said, "That guy with the straw hat freaked me out...he seems dang--"

"Will you wimps just shut up and let me think?!" the Sand Raider leader shouted, "I've got it!"

He stopped the glider as it was going, "Ramsack the bison's saddle, there must be some treasure in there! We can sell him and his friend to to our usual buyers from Ba-Sing-Se!"

The Sand-Benders ricocheted themselves on to Appa's saddle from the sand...but didn't account for it going into his nostrils.

The Sky-Bison sneezed which sent one of their gliders into a hill of sand.

"Oh shit!" one of the thugs cursed, "What's your father gonna do when he finds out that we lost a Sand-Sailor?!"

"Nothing," the Sand-Raider group leader pointed out, "It's the one we stole from the Hami Tribe.  Did you empty the saddle?!"


As Oka and Appa were dragged onto another sand glider, the wolf growled as he saw two more unfamiliar men approach him and Appa.

"How're their tempers?" one of the men asked.

"Uh...pretty good," the Sand-Raider from before scratched his head.

One of the men reached out to Appa, but before he could touch the Bison, Oka barked and snapped at the man, warning him not to touch his friend.

The man recoiled in fear and fell on his rump, getting sand all on his clothes. Oka was promptly slapped with the club again which made Appa mad.

"Hm...I bet someone would pay a fortune for these two alone in Ba-Sng-Se...maybe one of those animal poachers...their meat must be tasty," one of the Beetle-Head merchants said as he helped up his fellow businessman.

"Hnph," the man dusted his robes, "Alright, you've got yourself a deal! Load 'em up!"

Appa was dragged onto a carriage whilst Oka was being put into a cage. The wolf and Bison both called out to each other by barking and groaning.

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