Chapter 41

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As Aang and the rest of the gang were busy moving their stuff back into their old Earth Kingdom home.

Sokka groaned from his spot on the floor as he and Jet were done moving a cupboard back into place.

"Guys...this is so boring!" Sokka shouted and Jet nodded.

"I'd have to agree with Sokka on this one guys," Jet agreed.

Toph, whom was busy lying down in the joining room with her arms behind her head, spoke, "Eh...I'm not bored."

"THAT'S BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT HELPING!" Sokka pointed an accusing finger.

Toph shrugged, still relaxing. Sokka sighed, "...Why do I even try..."

Katara chuckled as she came in with a tray of tea and biscuits, "Well, what do you guys want to do then? We still have our plans."

"Yeah..but it wouldn't feel the same without Kaiyo," Aang came and sat down next to Jet and Sokka. Long-Shot nodded from his position as well as he came and sat down.

"Well, what do you guys suggest?" Smeller-Bee asked as she folded her arms.

Sokka hummed as he began thinking...until a ghastly idea popped into his head...

"I mean...we could go see what Kaiyo and Azrael are up to," Sokka smirked.


The kids all asked, Katara scratched her head unsurely.

"I don't know, Sokka," the water tribe girl said as she mulled it over, "They should have their privacy."

"Yeah, BUT," Sokka raised his hands as he knew they were still not on board, "Aren't you guys just as curious about what would Kaiyo do if he ever took someone out?"

"I mean..." Smeller-Bee also thought it over, "...You've got a point."

Aang also thought, 'M-Maybe...If I see what Kaiyo does,' the monk glanced at Katara shyly, 'T-Then I could probably ask Katara...'

Aang looked down as he blushed.

"C'mon, what do you say guys?!" Sokka asked and everyone exchanged a few glances.

Katara sighed, "Fine, but," she stopped their premature cheers, "Only for a little bit, okay?!"

"Warrior's Honor," Sokka held a hand to his chest with a satisfied smile.

"What are we waiting for then?!" Aang asked as he levitated to his feet, "Let's go!"

Toph groaned, "Do we have to?! I just comfortable."

Katara chuckled and still dragged Toph along.

Meanwhile next door, Ty-Lee and Mai were bored out of their minds as they also finished moving in.

Mai released an annoyed breath, "I'm so bored."

Ty-Lee was busy filing her nails, "Well...what do you wanna do?"

"I don't know," Mai suddenly sat up quickly with a smirk and glanced at Ty-Lee, whom quickly caught on.

"Oh no," Ty-Lee began, "No-No-No--"

"Oh yes," Mai began getting ready.

"Mai, we can't!" Ty-Lee still tried convincing her.

"C'mon, it'll just be for a quick second!" Mai was already dragging Ty-Lee along to do their Kyoshi Warrior makeup.

Ty-Lee groaned, "Fine!"


As Kaiyo and Azula were exiting the Palace, the white haired teen looked the female beside him over and sighed.

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