Chapter 11

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(A/N): Before this chapter starts I just wanted to clarify something. For plot purposes Zuko and Azula will be the same age (a.k.a. twins)....I don't know if this will irk some readers, but I really hope it doesn't. This is so that I can navigate the lore of the book and Kaiyo's past better.

Hope this wasn't an inconvenience, enjoy the chapter!


As the sea's breeze swept across the deck of a Fire Nation ship, the crew of said ship were busy cleaning the deck whilst inside the ship, its captain was currently overlooking the work being done.

The captain turned away from the crew and looked toward Prince Zuko's private room, "I wonder what's keeping Mr. Iroh, we have a game to finish?"

Going to inside of the prince's quarters, Uncle Iroh and Prince Zuko were currently sitting on his bed.

Iron had a cup of warm tea in his hands whilst Zuko sat opposite to him, "Well Uncle?"

Iroh looked down at his tea solemnly, "Where did you hear that name, Prince Zuko?"

"Is it that important?" Zuko asked his uncle impatiently.

Iroh sighed, "Prince Zuko, since you were banished a year before your sister was sent off to war, you might not have known...."

Zuko suddenly became quiet and listened in to his uncle's words.

Iroh took a sip of his tea and relished in its taste, "After you were sent off, Fire Lord Ozai became distant towards Azula and instead acquainted himself with Zhao's son, Gin, whom told him of a great warrior he encountered on the battlefield. "

"A warrior?" Zuko asked, 'That's impossible, that Water Tribe kid had to have been my age...'

"Yes," Iroh placed his tea down, "A warrior which Azula and Ozai became obsessed with. As the stories became more and more famous among the kingdoms, your father decided to send in Azula to defeat and conquer him."

"What happened?" Zuko was listening intently.

"She was defeated...brutally, if I might add," Iroh took up a biscuit and took a bite, "Whatever happened, Azula refused to tell anyone about him which enraged your father even more."

"Has anyone ever seen this...Fang?" Zuko asked his uncle.

He shook his head, "Yes, but the ones who have are either dead...or still on the battlefield. People have theorized that he may have been an aged old warrior and some have even proclaimed him to be a young boy."

"Well, from the stories that were told, do people of the nations atleast know a bit of what he looked like?" the fire prince was beginning to engross himself with this folktale.

"People have said that he had white hair...a rarity as it is...and that he walked the front lines accompanied by a beast the size of a man that walked on four legs," Iroh looked out the window of the ship.

"White hair..." Zuko looked down.

"The people of the Water Nations called him the White Wolf, however the people among the other nations far and wide took to calling him something else," Iroh got up and was about to leave the room.

"What did they call him, Uncle?" Zuko got up from his bed as well.

"They called him...The Fang Of the South," Iroh left Prince Zuko to his lonesome.

"A warrior that defeated Azula...killed thousands of soldiers on the battlefield...and gained world fame," Zuko clenched his fists, "He must be a man of wisdom, strength and above all else...honor."

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