Chapter 4

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(A/n): Basically his outfit.

Going to the box, he opened it now looking at a blue scarf. He closed his eyes.....

The lower half of a woman's face could be seen as she wore the scarf , smiling. The woman then looked directly at him, "Kaiyo!"

Everything goes white and Kaiyo keeps looking at it, until he eventually sighed.


As Katara and Sokka were arguing about something Kaiyo and gran-gran surprised them, "What do you two think you're doing?"she startled them.

She then smiled, " You'll need these," she took out two sleeping bags.

Sokka then noticed Kaiyo with all of his gear to leave and asked, "Woah, you're coming too?!"

To which Kaiyo merely sighed, "It would seem so," he then smiled, "Let's go get her boyfriend, shall we?"

"For the last time, he's not my boyfriend!" Katara shot at the two boys.

"Whatever," they both said at the same time.

It wasn't until they all figured out that they wouldn't be able to take the canoe to catch the war ship that Appa showed up.

Katara was relieved whereas Sokka was.... less enthusiastic about the whole thing.

"You just love taking me out of my comfort zone, don't ya," he more stated.


As Appa swam in the water, it was figured that he wouldn't be able to catch up to the ship anyway, seeing as the pace they were going at was extremely slow.

"Go, Up, Fly," Sokka attempted to get Appa to fly which confused Kaiyo to no end as he sat with Oka' s head on his lap and scarf covering the lower half of his face.

"Please Appa, we need your help.... Aang needs your help," Katara tried to get him to fly as well.

"....Ascend, Elevate..." Sokka tried again.

Katara looked down and then went closer to Appa's face, "Sokka doesn't believe that you can fly, but I do Appa," she rubbed his face, "C'mon, don't you want to save Aang?" the Bison made a sound.

"What was it that he said.... " Sokka kept his hands folded, "Yup-Yup, Ye-Haw, Ya-Hoo...Uh... Yip-Yip."

Appa gave a small roar and raised his tail, much to Kaiyo's surprise and before they knew it, they were up in the air.

"Woah.... he's--" Kaiyo was cut off.

"Flying! He's flying. Katara he's--" he looked to her only to see her smirking, "....I mean, big deal, he's flying," his grin betraying him.

'What have I got myself into?' Kaiyo reprimanded himself.


When they neared the ship, Kaiyo, Sokka and Katara could see Aang and Zuko squaring off on the deck of the ship.

They both exchanged a few blows here and there until Aang was sent off the deck and into the water.

"Aang!" Katara shouted worried for his well being.

Only a few seconds after did Aang reappear with his marks glowing and a whirlwind of water beneath him. Landing on the ship he maneuvered his body in a way that sent the water spiralling at everyone on the deck, knocking Zuko off as well.

"Did you see what he just did?" Katara asked mesmerized.

"Now that's what I call waterbending!" Sokka added.

"That's the Avatar for ya," Kaiyo commented.

The Avarar then dropped to the floor as if unconscious and the gang landed with Appa before rushing to his aid.

"Aang, are you okay?" Katara asked frantically.

Aang groaned as he came to, "Hey guys, thanks for coming..." he looked around.

"Well I couldn't let you have all the glory," Sokka said as he then got up to get Aang's staff for him.

As he did grab it however, it turned out that Zuko was also holding onto it prompting Sokka to poke his head with it until the Fire Bender suddenly fell.

"Haha, that was from the Water Tribe!" Sokka laughed as he was running back to Appa.

Eventually however, the guards began approaching the gang causing Kaiyo to unsheath his blades, "Guys, get on Appa...I'll hold 'em--"

"I got this!" Katara then shouted as she was about to bend water causing Kaiyo to widen his eyes.

"Katara wait, that the wrong--" Kaiyo was cut off.

"Hah!"she bended it the wrong way freezing both Kaiyo and Sokka's feet.

"Other way Katara! OTHER way!" Kaiyo shouted at her prompting her to correct herself making the move now successful.

"I'm just a guy with a boomerang, I didn't ask for any of this flying and magic," Sokka talked to himself as he knocked at the ice and ran up on Appa .

In one swing did Kaiyo free himself as well and he made it up on Appa just in time too. "Yip -Yip! Yip-Yip!" Sokka frantically shouted as Appa then took off.

As they did take off however, a chubby old man came out of the main quarters and looked up at the flying bison capturing, Kaiyo's attention.

'Him!' Kaiyo widened his eyes, as if recognizing the stranger.

"Shoot them down!" Zuko eventually shouted as he and his uncle swayed their bodies then shot fire simultaneously at the Bison.

Aang then decided to take the initiative and knocked the attack away with his staff as if it was a club. This caused one of the icy ridges to collapse on itself and the ship crashed into it.

The kids then laughed at the Fire Nation Ship as they flew away, safe. Kaiyo sighed, 'Good thing we didn't have to face him on.... otherwise....'


After a bit of flying Katara was busy firing questions at Aang, " How did you do that? W-with the water, I mean... that was amazing!"she praised .

"... I don't know," Aang sat on the edge of the saddle with his legs in a criss cross position. "I just sort of...did it."

"Why didn't you tell us that you were the Avatar?" Katara asked making Kaiyo hold onto her shoulder.

She looked back at him and he shook his head, "You shouldn't force him to say, Katara..."

"No it's okay, the reason I didn't tell you guys is well..." he looked at the ocean below, "I never wanted to be the Avatar."

"But Aang, the world's been waiting for the Avatar to return and finally put an end to this war, " Katara said making Kaiyo bonk her head.

"Ow!"she rubbed it as he shook his head and sighed whilst laying back down with Oka's head on his stomach.

"...And how am I supposed to do that?"  Aang asked confused.

"Don't worry about it Aang, we'll take it one step at a time," Kaiyo counselled making Aang feel at ease, " We'll just follow the prophecy."

"Right," Katara put in, "According to legend, first you have to first master Water, then Earth and finally Fire, right?"

"That's what the monks told me."

"Well if we go to the North Pole then you can master waterbending," Katara said to him.

"We could master it together!" Aang said excitedly promting Katara to look at Kaiyo and Sokka.

"And you guys can get to knock some Fire Bender heads along the way."

"I'd like that, I'd really like that," Sokka said as he leaned back and relaxed.

"Eh, sounds like work to me.... but I'm in." Kaiyo closed his eyes letting himself relax as well, 'The Northern Water we come' he suddenly got serious as the wind continued to sway his hair.

And so their journey began....

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