Chapter 44

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Warning: A bit of violence, blood, gore and upscene language ahead....but you knew that...I hope...

Acting quickly, Katara caught Aang as Kaiyo simply walked over to them as she held Aang's body.

Jet, Smeller-Bee and Long-Shot were quicker as they all cried and kneeled next to Aang's body.

Kaiyo sunk to his knees and his breathing was shallow as he was afraid to reach out. Behind them, Gin and the Fire Nation twins stood before them.

However, as Gin took a step forward, a line of fire blocked their path, Iroh appeared and hopped down to their location.

The old man turned to see Kaiyo in a state of recluse, he shouted, "Kaiyo! You need to get those kids out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can."

Kaiyo lowered his head and his hat casted a shadow, Oka whimpered at his side and licked Aang's face.

As Kaiyo took Aang's body and held him, Katara bended the water around everyone so that they could be sent up the waterfall that flowed into the oasis.

Iroh looked back at Kaiyo, "Kaiyo!"

The white haired teen's dead eyes met Iroh's and the old man spoke after gulping, "Whatever happens... please do not kill Zuko."

Kaiyo simply lowered his head as Iroh was detained and Gin spat, "FUCK! AFTER THEM!"


As Kaiyo and the kids ended up at Lake Laogi after retreating, the looked up to see Appa flying overhead.

Kaiyo finally rested as he looked back to see the whole of Ba-Sing-Se in flames. He looked down to Aang and tears began flowing from his eyes, " to me..."

There was no answer as Katara was also kneeling by his side and they cried. Mai and Ty-Lee got off of the ship and had sad looks on their faces.

"Oh no..." Mai muttered and she as well as Ty-Lee looked over a hill to see several tanks and soldiers emerge.

They retreated as Sokka came and shouted, "Guys, we have to go!"

Kaiyo also raised his head and saw the enemies, Gin and the twins appeared as well. The white haired teen eventually wiped away his tears and sniffled before addressing them.

"You guys need to get out of here," Kaiyo muttered and the rest of them immediately protested.

"What, no, Kaiyo, we're not--" Sokka was cut off as Kaiyo grabbed his tunic.

"You listen to me, alright?" Kaiyo asked as them and everyone had their eyes on them, "You all go. You take Aang's body and you keep going, you hear me?! You go and you don't look back," Kaiyo rested his forehead against Sokka's and closed his eyes, "...Don't look back, Sokka. And don't even think about coming to get me until the day of black sun."

Sokka was openly crying now, "O-Okay..."

Kaiyo turned to Katara and everyone else, "Sokka's in charge now...I trust you'll all be okay."

Just as Kaiyo was about to leave, he looked towards King Kuei whom was on Appa, "I'm sorry, your highness."

"It's not your fault--"

"Oh, but it is," Kaiyo simply huffed, "I placed my hope in the wrong place and it costed you...for that I apologize."

The white haired teen then turned to Toph whom was trying her best not to cry, but was failing miserably.

Kaiyo kneeled down in front of her, "I have to get going, okay?"

Toph suddenly hugged him tightly, "B-But I don't you to go!!"

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