Chapter 21

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As the Northern Water Tribe's soldiers that were healed and ready for battle geared up, Kaiyo is seen leaning on a large table which had a map of the village illustrated.

"Alright, The Fire Nation soldiers are gonna look to start with frontal attacks, however that doesn't mean that they won't be looking for weaknesses in your defenses," Kaiyo pointed to each corner of the city, "All those areas are easily accessible, that's why we're sending teams assigned with three benders with one of them being a master. Just stick to the plans and sound the drums if things get too overwhelming, okay?"

"Yes sir!" the men all dispersed and marched off whilst Kaiyo merely sighed.

"Where are those damn kids..." Kaiyo sighed and rubbed his eyes briefly to take the sleep and fatigue out of them.

"Kaiyo," the Chief said as Kaiyo now gave him his attention.

"Yeah, Chief?" Kaiyo asked as he approached the Chief as well.

"We seem to be having problems on the front line!" the Chief called for him and they both began to exit the palace just as they saw Fire Nation soldiers entering with their tanks and steeds.

"Shit!" Kaiyo cursed as he suddenly felt a painful migraine.

He held his head in pain as the Chief came and supported him, "What is it, Kaiyo?!"

Kaiyo began hearing a voice...



The white haired teen could feel that he had heard that voice before...but where?! Pushing it aside, Kaiyo quickly equipped his dual blades and called....

"Warriors that can stand! Grab a weapon and follow me!" Kaiyo didn't wait for an answer as he sprung into action.

Taking a deep breath, he leapt into air before slicing a Fire Nation solider across their chest, knocking them off the lizard like creature they were on.

Kaiyo held the reigns of the beast and pulled it to a halt before looking back to the warriors, "All civilians get to safety! Stay in the palace and lock the doors!"

Turning around, he saw many other enemies coming towards him. He then glanced down on the saddle he was on and saw a bow and quiver with arrows. 'That'll do...'

Riding into battle, he sliced enemies left and right whilst hopping from one steed to another as he went. Knocking down many of them as he went.

Hopping off one of the steeds, he saved a warrior by deflecting a fire attack with his blades. Kaiyo and his comrade now stood back to back, "Stand tall! We have to hold on until sundown!"

"Yes sir!" the warrior stated as he picked up his spear and charged back into battle. Kaiyo quickly put away his swords when he saw some of his comrades being shot down by firebenders from afar.

The white haired teen equipped the bow and arrows he had taken earlier and proceeded to pull the bow's string back and released a flurry of arrows.


The screams of his enemies is heard as the arrows made contact with them. Kaiyo placed an arrow in his mouth as he began scaling a building. When he got to the top, he counted his arrows before picking his targets.

Bodies began dropping one by one as Kaiyo disposed of his enemies swiftly. Eventually running out of arrows, his vision was obscured when a ball of fire was sent his way and he dodged.

"Woah!" he quickly hopped back and out of the smoke that originally plagued his vision. Looking to his left and right, he saw a handful of firebenders all targeting him as they made it to the roof.

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