Chapter 53

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(A/N): This chapter is gonna be messy...

As Kaiyo made his way to his room, he slid the door shut and it made a bang as it closed. He threw the sword he had on the floor and took off his cloak before passing his hands through his hair.

He groaned and scratched his head, "What is happening to me?!"

Oka suddenly whimpered and Kaiyo looked towards his wolf companion whom was busy sitting their and looking at him as if he was stupid.

Kaiyo sighed and went to sit down next to his friend before petting him, "You're not exactly helping me out here, bud."

Oka whimpered again and placed his head on Kaiyo's lap. The white haired teen huffed in amusement as he passed a hand through Oka's fur.

"It must be so easy being a wolf..." Kaiyo leaned back against the wall of his room and rested his head there as well, "Why am I so confused...and why does my heart hurt...?"

Smeller-Bee and Ming's squeals of excitement then sounded through the house and Kaiyo softly banged his head against the wall.

" worst than torture at this point," Kaiyo glanced to the side before a knock was heard, "Who is it?"

"Hey man," Jet said as he opened the door with Long-Shot in tow.

"Oh...hey," Kaiyo answered halfheartedly as he looked back out the giant window of his room, "What's up?"

Jet and Long-Shot came and sat on either side of Kaiyo, "You okay, dude?" Jet asked as he placed a hand on Kaiyo's shoulder.

Kaiyo scoffed, "Of course I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be?"

" kinda dipped pretty fast when Hiro was here earlier..." Jet pressed as he watched Kaiyo closely, "There something you wanna tell us, dude?"

Kaiyo seemed to be contemplating about it for a while before he released a painful breath, "Nope...I'm. Just. Peachy."

Jet and Long-Shot exchanged a worried glance as Kaiyo got up and went over to the window that overlooked a river stream.

"'s okay to feel hurt du--" Jet began, but was cut off by Kaiyo.

"Hurt? Why would I feel hurt, Jet?" Kaiyo asked, "Azula is just my friend. We were enemies for crying out loud! If she wants to have a date with a rich  douchebag then it's not my place to judge or come between that!"

Kaiyo took up his sword and scoffed, "I'll see you guys around," he also picked up his cloak, "I'm going for a walk..."

Jet looked towards Long-Shot whom simply shook his head. The two of them looked at the window Kaiyo just hopped out of.


Kaiyo was currently trying to meditate in a clearing. His senses were working on all cylinders as he tried to clear his mind about any conflicting thoughts he might have been having.

He suddenly groaned and threw himself back, which made him land on the grass if the clearing.

He stared up at the sky and began mumbling, "She's going out on a date Kaiyo...Why are you so bothered by this...It shouldn't even matter to you..."

He narrowed his eyes and placed his hand on his chest before gripping his clothes tightly, "So why...why the fuck is this happening to me..?"


Back at the house, Azula was currently being placed to sit down in front of her mirror.

She glanced up at Ming and Bee whom seemed overly-zealous now, "We're going to make you fabulous, dear."

Avatar: The Fang Of The South and The Fire Princess Of The West (AZULAXOC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें