Chapter 46

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After receiving his beating, Kaiyo hung from his chains in his prison cell of the Fire Nation.

The white haired teen groaned once he heard his cell's door opening, he got himself ready for another beat down, but was surprised when he saw a frightened girl enter.

She seemed to be from the Northern Water Tribe, two guards had her in shackles as she came in with a small pale of water.

One of those guards was Shin, he shoved the girl forward, "Get in there!"

The girl squeaked and gasped when she saw Kaiyo's purple and swollen skin, "O-Oh my--"

A soldier came and began taking the more major chains off of Kaiyo's body, just like they did the night before.

"We brought you in here because you were a healer, doll," Shin said as he walked around her and gripped the girl's chin tightly, "...Or was I wasting my time?"

The girl trembled in his grasp and Kaiyo could do nothing to help, he tried moving in his captivity, but was only causing himself more pain.

The white haired teen groaned and Shin turned around, "Well lookie here...Seems our hero is awake."

Shin sent a devastating punch to Kaiyo's gut and the boy winced and bawled in pain. The brown haired girl in the room stepped up, "O-Okay! I'll heal him, just please...stop hurting him!"

The girl's voice was soft and she spoke in a caring tone. Shin looked back at the girl with a grin, "There...that's more like it," he glared back at Kaiyo , "She saved you this time, but don't soon as those bones are all healed up...we'll have a field day breaking them apart...again..."

Kaiyo simply looked up at the man through his longer white haired bangs, "It's a date," he sassed, but recieved another punch in return.

"Smartass," Shin left a chuckling Kaiyo in the cell with the girl whom was being watched by the other soldier.

The stranger brought the water from the tiny pale into her hands and it glowed slightly.

"E-Excuse me," she politely bowed and began running her hands over Kaiyo's, now exposed upper body, which was still battered and bruised.

Kaiyo groaned in pain almost immediately and the girl jumped in fright.

"S-Sorry!" she quickly apologized as she removed her hands from his body and watched him panting in exhaustion.

"'s alright," Kaiyo tried to reassure her with a kind smile, "Healing bruises is one thing...regrowing however...quite painful."

The girl blushed in embarrassment, "Y-Yes, that's true," she cleared her throat, "M-May I?"

"Of course," Kaiyo took a deep breath as the healer began her work again.

"Everyone's been talking about you," the girl whispered to him.

Kaiyo opened his eyes, "Have they now?"

"Mhm," the girl blushed again at his raspy voice, "They-um-ehem-They've been saying that they've heard what's been going on...the guards have all been talking about coming to visit you so they know..."

"Oh..those guys?" Kaiyo panted still, "Those are my good know how it goes."

The girl giggled slightly, "Last time I checked, friends don't beat you till your almost half to death."

"We have a complicated relationship," Kaiyo quipped just as the healer arrived at his neck with her hands, "Easy there..."

The girl blushed again, "S-Sorry..."

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