Chapter 33

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After the whole ordeal of stopping the Fire Nation and their attempts at destroying the great walls of Ba-Sing-Se. Team Avatar finally found themselves on cart like contraption that was scheduled to take them into the inner walls of the Kingdom.

Kaiyo currently sat with his scarf and tunic off as he was being healed by Katara. The rest of the Team was recuperating from their latest battle as well.

"Look, the inner wall!" Sokka observed and everyone, minus Toph and Kaiyo, eagerly looked towards the giant barrier.

"I can't believe we finally made it to Ba-Sing-Se in one piece," Katara said as she finished healing up Kaiyo.

The white haired teen thanked her and pulled on a green tunic that he got from one of the Earthbending soldiers.

Strangers on the cart eyed his white hair in partial horror with some parents holding their children closer.

Kaiyo paid them no heed as he tried his best to pull the piece of clothing over his head before putting on his scarf and hat.

"Hey, don't jinx it!" Sokka immediately exclaimed, "We could still be attacked by some giant-exploding-Fire Nation-Spoon! Or find out the city's been submerged in some kind of Giant-Infested-Killer Shrimp-pool!"

"You been hitting the cactus juice again?" Toph asked as she petted Momo, whom was resting on her lap.

"I'm just sayin' " Sokka replied with a shrug, "Weird stuff happens to us."

Just as he said that a huge man eating a piece of corn whole came and sat between them.

Kaiyo simply tuned out the conversation as he stared out of the cart they were in. His eyes narrowed, 'Now that we're finally here...I can start tracking Oka and Appa...'

"You okay?" Toph came and sat down next to him, "Azula did a pretty good number on you this time."

Kaiyo chuckled and ruffled her hair, "You worried about me, Runt?"

"W-What?! No!" Toph suddenly turned on the defense, "Who told you--?!"

Kaiyo chuckled, "I'm just messing with you. I'm fine...just a bit tired."

Toph sighed, "Aren't we all?"

"You're probably right," Kaiyo said as the team now found themselves inside of the Kingdom of Ba-Sing-Se.




Aang, Sokka and Katara marvelled at the city's vastness.

"How will I ever find Appa?" Aang asked as the car's doors skid open and he ran out to get a better look at the buildings.

Kaiyo came and rested a hand on his shoulder, "Everything's gonna be okay...I promise."

They both smiled at each other and Aang nodded and looked down at his Bison whistle.

"We're coming for you, guys," Aang said as he blew into his whistle.

Kaiyo looked out at the city longingly as well, "Yeah," he placed two of his fingers into his mouth and whistled.

His whistle echoed throughout the city, the kids all suddenly ran behind him and turned him around.

"Woah!" Kaiyo let them turn him around and he currently stared at a woman in traditional Earth kingdom attire awkwardly as she stared back creepily, "Uh...Hi?"

"Hello, my name is Joo-Dee and I will be showing the Avatar and his friends around Ba-Sing-Se," she explained in a weirdly chirpy manner.

Kaiyo raised a brow, "Right..."

Avatar: The Fang Of The South and The Fire Princess Of The West (AZULAXOC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن