Chapter 29

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(A/N): Just a quick uptake...this is an UNEDITED chapter so warned...I REALLY wanted to get this one out there to see how it'd do! So yeah, unedited and the last bit of this chapter, I tried a little something I saw in a movie or anime once. So yeah....that's it.


As the wind passed along a desert's horizon, Aang is seen sitting in a meditative position with a flute in his hands. The young monk currently stared at a colony of holes in the ground with a smile on his face.

"What's out here?" Sokka asked as he, Katara and Toph stood behind Aang.

"A lot actually," Toph answered as she got on a knee and placed her hand against the Earth, "There's hundreds of little--"

"Shh!" Aang shushed quickly, "I know you can see underground, but don't ruin the surprise. Just watch," his excited smile was still on his face.

He blew a tune into his flute and out popped a small creature from the holes in the ground that hummed along. Katara and Toph laughed as Aang continued playing.

"Yeah!" Aang rejoiced, "I'm putting a band together! Haha!"

Aang was about to continue playing before Sokka came and blocked the other end of the flute with his finger.

"Look, this is great and all, but don't we have more important things to worry about?!" Sokka exclaimed as Aang turned to look at him, "We should be making plans!"

"We did make plans," Toph replied to Sokka's statement, "We're all picking mini-vacations."

"There's no time for vacations--" Sokka was cut off.

"Let the kids have their fun, Sokka," Kaiyo's voice is heard as he's lying down on Appa's saddle with his hat tipped and Oka using his stomach as a pillow, "Aang is learning the elements as fast as he can. If he keeps stressing so much then eventually he's going to burn out."

"Yeah, besides what's the matter with having a little fun in our downtime?" Katara stepped towards Sokka and Aang.

"Yeah, but even if he does master all of the elements then what?" Sokka folded his arms, "It's not like we have a map of the Fire Nation. Should we just head West until we reach the Firelord's house?!"

"Sokka," Kaiyo sighed and the kids all looked to Appa's saddle, "Like I said, let them have their picks at mini-vacations and then we'll see to making plans. They've earned it for now."

Sokka groaned and cursed under his breath.

Aang levitated to his feet and went to his map before zealously unrolling it, "Your turn, Katara! Where would you like to go on your mini-vacation?"

Katara held her chin as she looked at the different locations in deep thought, "...How about the Misty Palms Oasis? That sounds refreshing."

"Oh yeah, I've been there," Aang looked down at the map now, "It's a pristine natural ice spring! And I don't usually use the word pristine! It's one of nature's wonders."

Kaiyo merely released a breath as he began petting Oka, 'Guess we're heading out again...'


The team now stood outside of an old run down town in the middle of nowhere.

Aang looked to the side with an embarrassed face and chuckled nervously, "Guess they must've...changed ownerships since I was hear."

"Yeah," Kaiyo chuckled and patted Aang's head, "No shit dude." He went over to Appa and petted the Bison before joining the kids as they walked into town.

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