Chapter 1

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The Southern Water Tribe, small, quiet and hidden. That's what it was..... and Kaiyo wouldn't have it any other way.

Walking around in his traditional Water Tribe clothes which consisted of his blue furred cloak,  brown pants fit for winter as well as his boots and gloves, he stalked through the icy landscape looking into the distance.

With his hood up and scarf wrapped around his neck he pulled it up, more effectively covering  his lips to prevent them from freezing together. He continued to look around the snow storm of the night for anything in particular.

Suddenly hearing something approaching he squinted his eyes and readied his hand on one of his throwing knives equipped by his belt.

It wasn't until he noticed what it was that was approaching that he eased himself and sighed. Suddenly launching itself at him however, a white wolf began licking his face prompting Kaiyo to groan.

"Alright, alright!"he tried to calm the animal on top of him, "I get it, I missed you too man, geez." He chuckled as the animal got off of him and now sat patiently waiting for him to get up.

"Ready to go inside boy?"the water nation teen asked the wolf only for it to hop onto its feet and wag its tail, "Me too."

He opened the flap to his tent for his friend to enter and looked back at his surroundings only to narrow his eyes and then enter the area of warmth himself, " Hey, you better not be eating my damn fish Oka!"

Going into the tent one would notice the plethora of weapons that was laid around and the food that was currently cooking. As the teen took off his scarf and hung it onto a rack, he shortly thereafter took off his thick Water Tribe Jacket, leaving him in a plain cream sweater.

Sighing he went over to the cooking food and another boiling pot only to take out a fish along with some tea to drink along with his meal. Sitting on his sleeping bag he began to eat and his wolf came and laid at his side whilst resting their head on his lap.

The young boy then simply took up a piece of folded in half paper that laid by his side illustrating the four great nations. Studying it closely he took a sip of his tea and placed the cup down before going at his fish again.

'The 100 Year War..... Long ago, the Nations all lived in harmony.... However, that was until the Fire Nation atacked, they were swift, advanced in technology and ruthless. The other Nations didn't stand a chance against them.'

He took his time to pet his friend's head, 'The Avatar, Master of all the Elements and liberator of peace..... vanished, leaving the rest of the world to fend for themselves.'

He finished eating and then laid down comfortably into his sleeping bag with his hands behind his head, 'During my travels I was informed that the The Air Nomads were now extinct and the Earth Kingdom was under stress. The Water Tribes were at War with the Fire Nation as well, because of how the Fire Nation took almost all of the tribe's water benders.'

He turned to his side, '....Almost. Katara, the daughter of a mutual friend of mine, is the only remaining water bender of the South Pole, however I can't let that secret get out. I was sent back home to protect this place, but it seems like they don't actually need that much protecting....'

He began to drift to sleep, 'Eh whatever..... what's the worst that could happen....'


As the sun's rays shone over the horizon of the icy terrain, Kaiyo opened his deep blue eyes and groaned slightly as he elevated himself. Passing his hand through his white locks, he decided to get his morning started.

After getting himself ready for the day he decided to hot up some tea before heading out. With his mug in his hand he moved the flap of his tent and exited his little shelter to fully embrace the outdoors.

Heaving a deep breath he took a sip of his tea, relishing in its sweetness until he suddenly groaned, "Really?"

Suddenly out of nowhere a battle cry was heard, "Hyaaa!"a teenager, around Kaiyo's age, hopped out from his hiding place which was above the white haired boy's tent.

The unknown teenager had his hair tied into a small ponytail with the sides shaved, he wore the South Pole's traditional attire as opposed to Kaiyo, whom was still in his cream sweater, pants and boots. The teen also held in his hand a weapon of sorts, a jaw blade, typically used for hunting in their village.

As the boy swung his weapon down in an attempt to attack Kaiyo, the white haired boy shifted to his right mere centimeters before the blade could come into contact with his head. The unknown teens face then began morphing from a confident one to a face of absolute panic in slow motion as he then glanced to where Kaiyo is now only to spot a foot advancing straight for him.

As time seemed to return to normal, Kaiyo's foot immediately came into contact with the teenage boy's face causing him to fly into many crates which held food, "Yoww!"

Kaiyo sipped his tea once more as if nothing happened. It wasn't until a stream of water was shot at him that he opened his eyes in surprise, but ducked under it not the less only for it to hit the teenage boy that had originally attempted to ambush him.

As Kaiyo ducked under the stream of water however, he picked at a throwing knife that was in his boot and chucked it at where the water came only for it to puncture a young water tribe girl's clothing effectively pinning her to a crate that was behind her.

Kaiyo effectively finished his tea, " That's 32 to 0 guys.... you should quit while I'm ahead," he chuckled as he took the knife out of the girl's clothing and helped the boy up giving him a pat on the back.

The younger duo sat on a wooden box he had outside of his tent. Both looking exhausted. Kaiyo suddenly offered them two mugs with steaming tea. "Nice try though."

"Ugh, you know it would've worked if SOMEBODY didn't attack me with her stupid magic trick!"the boy not so subtly complained as he NOT so subtly stared at the girl beside him.

"Oh yeah, because you had everything SO under control, my bad," the girl rolled her eyes as she looked to the side and took a sip of her tea.

"I told you that you were supposed to distract him while I attacked, but no!" He dragged on the 'no.'

"You keep underestimating me like I can't do anything! And I definitely know that it's because I'm a girl, isn't it Sokka?!" she looked pointedly at him.

He looked to the side while whistling, only stopping to take a sip of his tea, " I mean.... you said it, not me Katara."

Katara growled and looked like she was about to deliver some real hurt until Kaiyo cleared his throat catching their attention. "You know, as much as I'd love to hear you two argue all day, why don't we get some fishing in first." He held up two fishing poles, "I mean.... if that's okay with you of course, I know how important it is for kids to get their daily dosage of annoying."

Kaiyo held a blank expression as he practically had enough time to get fully clothed,  get his supplies ready AND get Oka ready as well. Katara and Sokka chuckled nervously and scrambled onto their feet when they saw Oka and Kaiyo leave.

"Hey, at least wait up!" Sokka called after Kaiyo.

"Oka, I haven't seen you in forever!" Katara excitedly exclaimed as she and her brother followed after the white haired boy and his animal companion. 

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