Chapter 16

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"Hm," Kaiyo hummed as he kneeled down in a dense forest. His eyes scanned the scorch marks on the ground accompanied by arrows and other weapons littered about the surroundings.

"Hey, I think I found something!" Aang's voice is heard in the distance.

Kaiyo went over to where he heard the airbender's voice only to be met by the rest of Team Avatar.

Oka whined at his side and looked up to him. "I know buddy," Kaiyo patted the wolf whom was trying to catch a scent from the burn marks on the ground.

"Let me see that," Sokka took the Water Tribe Dagger that Aang found and was looking at it closely.

Kaiyo watched from afar as Sokka did his thing. "There was a  battle here, right Kaiyo?"

"Yeah, from the looks of it," Kaiyo went to the tree that had scorch and slice marks. He was about to whistle for Oka to  come over when he noticed Sokka's thinking face. "You know what....why don't you take this one?"

"Really?!" Sokka was ecstatic now, "But, I never get to do tracking!"

"Well then, I guess today's your lucky day," Kaiyo smirked and got on one knee along with Sokka. He held one of his shoulders, "Now remember Sokka, when retracing steps and recounting events you need to pay attention to your surroundings, got it?"

Sokka nodded, serious once more.

"Good," Kaiyo smiled and whistled for Oka whom came immediately.

"W--Wait, you mean--" Sokka glanced at the wolf whom waited patiently.

"Yup, you and Oka are taking point," Kaiyo's eyes glistened slightly now, "Oka will listen to you, but you have to be patient, yeah?"

Sokka took a deep breath and nodded, "Let's do this!"

"Alright genius, let's see what you got," Kaiyo smirked and stood back as Sokka and Oka investigated the site for any other evidence of a battle.

Sokka found an arrow and hummed, he whistled for Oka. "Can you track this, Oka?"

The white wolf sniffed the arrow before howling. He took off and Sokka became frightened, "Oh no! Did--Did I just scare him off! Damn it--"

"Follow after him Sokka!" Kaiyo patted his shoulder and ran passed him.

Aang and Katara quickly behind.

"Come on, slow poke!" Aang laughed heartily along with Katara.

Sokka groaned, "Hey, wait up!"

The gang all eventually made it to a ship on the beach. Oka was sniffing around near the boat before barking and trotting back over to Sokka whom petted his head for a job well done.

"Good boy," Sokka praised.

Oka whined and licked his face, getting a round of chuckles from the kids. Kaiyo looked at the ship and caressed the pieces of  bark.

"Is this dad's boat?" Katara asked as she came up behind Kaiyo.

"No, but it's from his fleet," Sokka came and touched the boat just as Kaiyo stepped back to give the siblings space, "Dad was here."

Kaiyo simply hummed, "This should be interesting..."

Oka came and sat next to him now....


As night fall came the team now huddled together in front of a fire, Aang and Katara was sleeping whilst Sokka and Kaiyo were awake.

Kaiyo was looking over the map he had and seemed to be thinking of the different routes he could take to avoid trouble. He then glanced up at Sokka whom seemed to be staring intently at the fire.

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