Chapter 7

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As the sun's heat rained down on the gang we see Aang, Katara and Sokka on foot whilst Kaiyo was resting on Appa's back with his usual straw hat covering his face and Oka sleeping on his stomach along with Momo whom rested on his chest.

"Behold the the Earth Kingdom's city of Omashu," Aang introduced as he gestured to the great site, "I used to come here and visit my pal Bumi all the time."

"Wow!" Katara praised as she took in the scenery, "We don't have cities like this in the South Pole."

"They have buildings that don't melt," Sokka praised, "Kaiyo are you seeing this?"

"Mhm," Kaiyo responded as he didn't even bother to look up.

"You're not even looking!" Sokka scolded.

Kaiyo raised his hat and took it in, "Fantastic, now how are you getting in without Aang drawing attention to himself?"

"He's right Aang, it could get dangerous if people find out that you're the Avatar!" Katara tried to reason.

"You need a disguise," Sokka stepped forward.

"So what am I supposed to do, grow a mustache?" Aang asked as Kaiyo merely shrugged.

Now we see Aang in an white mustache with a head of.... peculiar hair. He itched at it, "How do you live in this?"he asked Appa to which the Bison merely flared his nostrils.

"Great, now you look like my grandpa," Sokka commented.

"Technically Aang is 112 years old," Katara said as she looked at Sokka.

"Now Aang, try not to do anything too flashy, okay?" Kaiyo yawned as he watched Aang.

The monk then proceeded to take up his staff and do a fancy swirl with it before planting it on the ground and doing an old man impersonation, "Nothing too flashy, got it!"

Kaiyo held a blank expression, "I'm starting to rethink this disguise thing."

Aang then broke into old man mode as they approached the city. "You guys are going to love Omashu, the people here are so kind!"

Cut to the soldiers at the front talking to a man that was carrying a cart of.... cabbages.

"Cabbages?! What kind of slum do you think this is?!" The soldier tore the leaflets off of it and then bended the cart off of the walkway and into a canyon.

"No, my cabbages!!"the vendor cried as he watched in horror, his livelihood disappearing into the abyss.

Aang introduced himself to the soldier in one of the most.... peculiar ways possible.... to which they were let in. That is until they were stopped and Sokka was given Aang's bag.

The soldiers all paid close attention to Kaiyo as they passed. Seeing as he had a blue scarf covering the bottom of his face and a hat covering the top, it was hard to make him out.

"Oh, and you with the hat," they stopped again, "Make sure you and your pet don't get into any trouble," to which Kaiyo merely nodded, not wanting to start any trouble.

The grand gates opened on the four as they entered and Aang talked to them about the delivery system as he the reminisced on the memories of his past.

"One ride and that's it, Air Bender's honour," Aang said as Katara, him and Sokka were already on.

"It sounded like fun at first, but now I'm having second--" Katara couldn't finish since Kaiyo kicked the cart forward, "Thoughhhhtttsss"

"I'll catch up!"he waved to them.

"Now, what shall we do, Oka?"the wolf merely made a sound as they made their way through Omashu.

Avatar: The Fang Of The South and The Fire Princess Of The West (AZULAXOC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin