Chapter 40

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"Oka..." Kaiyo's voice seemed distant as he watched his best friend from ever since he was a boy.

Suddenly Kaiyo could feel his legs move on their own as he ran towards the wolf he's been looking for this entire time.

Oka ran forward as well, not caring for anyone else that was around.

"Oka!" Kaiyo yelled as tears left his eyes when they both met eachother half way up the stairs.

Kaiyo's brain suddenly registered the speed Oka was coming at and he was doing the same, 'Oh shit--'

"OOF!" Kaiyo grunted as Oka tackled him and began licking his face all over. Kaiyo laughed as he and Oka rolled down the stairs, "I missed you buddy! Hahaha!"

Oka barked and wagged his tail after giving Kaiyo some space to sit up, the white haired teen hugged the wolf tightly this time and silently cried on the wolf's shoulder as he rubbed the back of his head.

"I'm never leaving you alone again," Kaiyo held Oka's face, "You hear me?"

Oka barked and Kaiyo smiled before hugging him again.


The kids all yelled as they then joined in the group hug, Momo swooped in and hugged the wolf as well.

King Kuei and the Freedom Fighters smiled at the scene as they descended the stairs to meet Team Avatar and the Kyoshi Warriors.

Azula was silent as she watched as well, something from within the Fire Nation Princess ached as she saw Team Avatar embracing one another...they seemed like a family...a family that wasn't hers was.

Suddenly hearing Mai clear her throat, the Azula was broken from her staring and Team Avatar separated.

Azula placed on a smile, "It seems that Suki was did miss him."

Kaiyo gazed at her for a moment, their eyes held each other's for a solid few seconds. The white haired teen seemed to thinking until he eventually just released a breath of amusement.

"Yeah...I did," Kaiyo petted Oka whom whimpered and licked him again. Kaiyo laughed, "So...I guess I have you to thank for bringing him back to me?"

Kaiyo raised to his full height and Azula froze when she heard Ty-Lee do a cat call under her breath.

Azula cleared her throat, "Y-Yeah...I guess so, Fang."

Kaiyo held out his hand to Azula, "Please...Kaiyo."

Azula stared at his hand and seemed to be torn at this point. Was she about to shake her arch enemy's hand without him knowing who she was?

Suddenly however, Ty-Lee forcefully stomped Azula's foot which made her quickly grab Kaiyo's hand and shake it.

In her flustered and pained stated state she groaned, "Az--" Mai forcefully stomped on her next now, "--rael..." she squeaked this time.

Kaiyo chuckled and Azula blushed. Her heart rate picked up for some reason as she saw his carefree and crooked smile.

She's never seen this side of him before...or at all. In their battles, they always had sadistic, power-hungry ones...but never just carefree and relaxed smiles. Suki's words echoed...

"...give this new side of Kaiyo a chance..."

"Azrael?" Kaiyo asked her for confirmation, she regretfully nodded towards it.

"Yup...that's me...good ol' Azrael," Azula forcefully laughed out loud which made Mai facepalm, Ty-Lee wince and Kaiyo raised a brow.

"Right..." Kaiyo released her hand and the Azula stood rigid...unsure of what to do now, "Well, Azrael...thank you, for bringing my best friend back to me."

Avatar: The Fang Of The South and The Fire Princess Of The West (AZULAXOC)Where stories live. Discover now