Chapter 2

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The three teens and wolf were now advancing through the camp with Katara and Sokka hailing whomever they saw. It wasn't until they reached two canoes that were about ready that Kaiyo turned around to face them. "Okay Sokka, Katara you both can go to Polar Pass, it's not that dangerous, but just watch out for the ice burgs, okay? " he asked them watching as Katara listened attentively and Sokka was playing with the fishing rod.

Kaiyo held a blank stare again, just before sighing and face palming. "Oka and I will head to the other end, more over to Penguin Hill, I'm not far. You both stay safe, okay?"

Katara nodded whilst Sokka dramatically saluted with the fishing rod by his side like a spear, "Roger that, sir!"

Kaiyo held a small smile before patting Sokka's shoulder, "I'm counting on you bud."

He entered his canoe acting as if he didn't notice Sokka's gargantuan smile and tear filled eyes, "Kaiyo's counting on me!"he exclaimed to his sister, causing Katara to face palm.

Kaiyo began rowing the boat with Oka whom laid down and took a rest causing Kaiyo to chuckle, "Lazy Little Furball." Oka yawned briefly and went back to sleep prompting Kaiyo to shake his head.

Eventually reaching where he had originally planned, he attached his bait to the line and casted it out. 'Now, we wait.....' he relaxed in his little boat as he took out a scroll and began reading.

After about 15 minutes of waiting he had eventually fallen asleep. Soon however, he began feeling uneasy causing him to sit up. Looking to his right he noticed Oka staring up at something.

It was until he followed the wolf's line of sight did he notice the giant beam of light shooting to the sky, causing his eyes to widen. 'That's where Katara and Sokka are!'


By the time Kaiyo had gotten to where the beam of light was, he had enough time to see Sokka poking at something with his spear.

"Stop it!" Katara scolded as she swatted his spear away.

Kaiyo got off his canoe along with Oka. As they got closer he noticed a boy in Katara's arms. The boy groaned and began to open his eyes as if mesmerized by her.

The boy then spoke, "...I need to ask you something..."

"What?" Katara immediately asked as she took the boy's hands.

"Come closer."

"What is it?"

"....Will you go penguin sledding with me?"he asked causing Kaiyo to face palm.

Katara answered, "Uh...sure, I-I guess."

He suddenly levitated to his feet causing Kaiyo to be taken back a bit.

Sokka also seemed taken back and immediately began questioning the boy.

Suddenly hearing a growl, the boy scrambled up what was left of the ice berg and stopped by a flying bison to which Kaiyo was ultimately dumbfounded at seeing.

''he mentally asked himself. Looking down at Oka he seemed to want confirmation as to what was going on. The wolf merely licked his paw, looked to Kaiyo and then returned its attention to the paw.

Kaiyo sighed, "Gee.... thanks bud." He approached the gang. " Well, it seems I missed alot."

Sokka and the others jumped at his sudden appearance.

"Kaiyo!" Katara and Sokka shouted simultaneously as they approached their elder. "How did you get here so fast?"

He looked at them, then at the monk once more, "Want to tell me what's going on?"

"Well-" Katara was interrupted.

"Let me explain! You see Katara and I went out fishing like we usually do, but KATARA had found it necessary to do her magic thingy while I was concentrating and then!" He took a deep breath from trying to get everything out in one stroke, "We ended up in some sort of rapid and--"

"The short version if you don't mind, Sokka," Kaiyo asked as he shared a small smile.

"Right...Right," he scratched his head, "Well y'know, Katara should tell this one she'd know better than me."

"Katara?" Kaiyo asked as he looked to her.

She chuckled nervously, "Well..." she scratched her head, "You see Sokka and I were.... sorta fighting and I might have....sort of.... kinda.... broke an iceberg?"

Kaiyo stayed silent for a few seconds before sighing and putting his index and thumb fingers to his forehead, "I wonder everyday why I'm back here...."

At this time the new addition was busy playing around with his Bison to which Kaiyo decided to introduce himself and his two friends.

"You must be a monk," the teen said to the boy whom nodded excitedly, "I'm Kaiyo" he gestured to himself, "and these two...." he gestured behind him to Sokka and Katara that were currently glaring at each other, ".....bundles of joy, are Sokka and Katara."

"Hi!" Katara replied excitedly whilst Sokka replied with sarcastic,"Yeah... nice to meet ya."

"Hi! I'm A--Aa--Achoo!"he sneezed and flew all the way up in the air causing everyone's clothes and hair to sway. Kaiyo smiled whereas Katara and Sokka held shocked faces. When he landed back on the ground he finished, "Aang."

"Hm, you must be an--" Kaiyo was cut off.

"Wait a minute! You're an airbender!" Katara came up with as she went up to Aang whom nodded.

"Great...." Sokka said as he began to walk the other way stating that he was going home to which Kaiyo shook his head with a small smile.

As this was going on Oka had approached Appa, Aang's Sky Bison, the two merely looked toward each other until Appa suddenly dropped on his belly as they both held some sort of private discussion to which the others were completely oblivious to.

"Why don't you come with us Aang, Katara and Sokka's grandmother must have a lot to talk to you about," Kaiyo said as he went back to his canoe.

This prompted Aang to offer them a ride on his Bison.

"Hm..." Kaiyo looked to Appa, to whom at this point was on his back as Oka sat on his tummy causing the white haired teen to raise a brow.


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