Chapter 45

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At an unknown location, Aang groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. The young monk slowly sat up and glanced around himself, noticing that he was in an unfamiliar room.

Upon further investigation however, he saw that he was in bandages, "What happened?"

He glanced to the walls of the room he was in and gasped as he saw the Fire Nation emblems on the pieces of cloth hung up.

"Oh no!" he got out of bed and ran to the door before slowly opening it and peeking outside.

He was on a Fire Nation ship...

He used his staff as a crutch to help support his movements as he ventured down a lone hallway.

As he made it to the end however, he heard the deep voice of a man, he leaned on the wall and peeked through the corner to see two figures in Fire Nation uniform, one was huge looking and the other tiny.

Aang gritted his teeth and held his staff high before quickly turning the corner and attacking them.

The Avatar made a break for it.

"He's awake!" the deep voice shouted as they pursued Aang, "Stop! Wait!"

Aang looked back, frightened that he was about to be caught, but didn't let up as he went up a short flight of stairs that eventually led to the deck of a ship.

Aang tripped and fell, losing his trusty staff, as he reached out for it, he noticed two other Fire Nation soldiers...feeding Momo.

"Momo?" Aang asked as he looked up at the scene before him.

Momo chirped at his name being called and scurried over to Aang, whom was getting up again.

"Twinkle Toes!" Toph's voice is heard and Aang looked over to see the blind girl in a red cloak...and Kaiyo's straw hat. Katara was also with her, "That's gotta be you!"

The two girls both ran over to the Avatar, "Aang, you're awake!" Katara shouted.

"Are you sure?" Aang asked as he rubbed his eyes, "I feel like I'm dreaming--"

Katara tackled him in a hug, "You're not dreaming. You're finally awake."

Katara separated just as another person decked out in complete Fire Nation uniform approached, "Aang, good to see you back with the living buddy!"

The soldier hugged him and Aang raised a brow, "So...kka?"

The monk could feel himself becoming woozy from all of the things that was going on around him.

"Uh-Oh, somebody catch him he's gonna--" Toph didn't get to finish as Aang had already fallen down and knocked out again.

...   ...

In the Fire Nation capital, a little walk away from the Fire-Nation Palace, a convoy of highly trained elites were escorting a carriage with a cage attached to it.

The cage was made of some of the toughest metal and it's walls had no spaces, leaving the prisoner inside, in complete darkness.

As a subordinate was walking along with his superior officer he asked, "Captain...a-are we really escorting who I think we're escorting?"

The Captain, a brawny man with brown hair tied in the traditional top knot and pointed beard spoke, "'s him."

"Are what the legends say actually true, sir?" a female soldier came up on the captain's other side.

"Depends on who you ask, private," the captain replied as he continued to watch the cage closely.

"What stories have you heard?" the male soldier asked the newcomer.

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