Chapter 36

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"Hm," Azula hummed as she and Team all peered at the Kyoshi Warriors that were protecting Oka and Appa, "I thought it was weird when Fang fought me without you by side side."

Azula hopped off of her eel-hound, shortly followed by Mai, Ty-Lee and Gin.

"Stop right there!" one of the Kyoshi Warriors warned.

Gin scoffed, "Who are you to be spitting out orders?"

Appa and Oka growled at him as the white wolf stood in front of the group. Azula smirked, "Just like your dad...always trying to protect what's not yours..."

Oka's vicious aura suddenly faded when Azula placed her eyes on him, the raven haired girl recoiled and raised a brow.

Ty-Lee leaned over and whispered to her, "I think he likes you..."

Azula gave her an incredulous look, "What? Impossible...I've been trying to kill him and Fang for years..."

"Hey," Ty-Lee held up her hands in feigned surrender, "I don't make the rules here."

Suki and the Kyoshi warriors exchanged unsure glances, "Uh--Are we--"

"Just a second!" Azula held up a finger, "I'll get you momentarily, wait your turn."

Suki recoiled in confusion.

Azula turned back to Ty-Lee, "As I was saying--"

Gin groaned, "For crying out loud!" The Commander shot a ball of fire at the Kyoshi Warriors whom activated their fan shields and blocked the attack.

Suki yelled, "Appa--Oka, get out of here!"

Azula and her team quickly moved in on their enemies. The Fire Princess' eyes instantly connected with Oka's and the teenager faltered for a second before a sword was swung right next to her.

Azula swayed her body away as Suki squared up, "If you're looking for the Avatar, he's not here!"

Azula sighed, "Spirits no, I'm not interested in him, where's The Fang?!"

Azula made two daggers out of fire and made an X formation as Suki brought her blade down vertically with the intention of cutting her.

They tussled a bit for dominance, "What...Kaiyo?" Suki asked before she was kicked away by Azula.

"Precisely," Azula had the daggers a shoulder width apart, "There's no way he'd leave his wolf with anyone else."

Suki grinded her teeth as she watched her comrades be immobilized. Suddenly Oka leapt between the two of them and barked.

Suki's face became instantly worried, "Oka--No! You're still not healed yet!"

Azula was about to send a kick of fire their way, but once she saw Oka, something in her heart clenched and she redirected the attack which quickly set a dozen of trees on fire.

"What are you doing?!" Gin shouted as a tree collapsed and a hail of fire separated Team Azula from Oka, Appa and Suki.

Azula touched her chest for a second, 'W--What was that--'

Meanwhile on Oka's side, Appa began freaking out from the fire and Suki instantly warned, "Go guys! Get away from here!"

Oka looked between the Appa and Azula as the Princess began walking through the fire menacingly.

Suki instantly charged with her sword at the ready, but Azula simply side stepped and dodged the slashes without even using her Firebending.

The raven haired girl then kicked the sword out of Suki's hand and into the bark of tree where it stayed stuck.

Avatar: The Fang Of The South and The Fire Princess Of The West (AZULAXOC)Where stories live. Discover now