Chapter 14

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Currently in an abandoned temple, Team Avatar could be seen huddled together as Kaiyo placed a wet cloth on Sokka's forehead.

"This should bring your fever down," Katara said as she held a small bowl with more water for Kaiyo to soak the cloth with.

"You know what I love about Appa the most," a very sick Sokka said, "His sense of humor."

"That's...nice," Kaiyo said, soaking the cloth once more and wringing it before placing it back on Sokka's forehead.

Appa groaned from his position and Sokka laughed, "Classic Appa."

"How's Sokka doing?" Aang came and asked, his staff in hand.

"Not so good," Katara said as she placed down the bowl with water.

"Being out in that storm must've really did a number on him," Kaiyo said just as Oka came and licked Sokka's face.

"Aww Kaiyo, you big lug," Sokka took the wolf's face in his hands and petted him, "You're such a sweet talker, y'know."

Oka whined and tilted his head only for Sokka to break into a fete of laughter and wave his hands shyly, "Oh Oka! Stop it, stop it! You're making me blush!"

The rest of the group raised a brow at the Water Tribe boy as he continued to communicate with the animals of the group.

"Anyway..." Aang looked back to Katara and Kaiyo, "I couldn't find any ginger ale for the tea, but I found a map," the monk held it out and spread it on the floor.

"A map?" Kaiyo questioned and bent his knees to reach a similar level to Aang whom was crouched down looking closely at the piece of paper.

"Yeah, there's supposed to be a herbalist institute on the top of the mountain just East of here," Aang said and glanced back at Kaiyo and Katara, "We can probably find a cure for Sokka there."

"Aang, he's in no condition to travel," Katara went over to Sokka, whom was resting on Appa's side, relishing in the giant mammal's warmth, "Sokka just needs more rest, I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow--" she coughed. 

"Oh's like a pandemic now," Kaiyo said and looked directly at something, as if addressing an audience.

"Not you too," Aang got more worried now.

"Relax, it was just a little cough, I'm fine--" Katara began coughing more than before.

Aang and Kaiyo now both had their arms raised, blocking their faces as if they were shielding themselves from Katara's cough fest.

"That's just how Sokka started yesterday," Aang tried to reason and Kaiyo placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Aang's right," Kaiyo then raised a brow in Sokka's direction, "And now look at him...he thinks he's an Earthbender."

Sokka threw a weak punch, "Take that you rock." 

Oka, whom was curled up at Sokka's side, raised his head and tilted it, glancing back and forth between Sokka and where he threw the punch.

"You'll be talking nonsense too in no time," the Avatar rolled up his map and got up.

Kaiyo sighed, "Okay, here's the plan, Aang'll go and get the medicine and I'll take care of you two," he straightened his knees and went to Appa's saddle, "In the mean time I'll use whatever supplies we have right now and make some soup. Katara, get in your sleeping bag."

"But--" Katara tried to protest, but was cut off by her rolled up sleeping bag hitting her in the face.

"Now," Kaiyo's words were final and she sighed before obeying. The teen looked back to Aang whom was about to fly off if it weren't for the storm clouds in the distance.

Avatar: The Fang Of The South and The Fire Princess Of The West (AZULAXOC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें