Chapter 55

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After leaving Azula's private home, Kaiyo and the team ended up finding a carriage that would take them directly to the capital since they were scheduled to drop off a hefty amount of cabbages.

The kids were currently resting on one side of the carriage whilst Kaiyo and Azula were sitting opposite to them.

The raven haired girl had her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed whilst Kaiyo looked out at the road behind them.

He took a deep breath, 'I'm almost there guys...just hold on for me...'

"You nervous?" Azula's voice suddenly reached Kaiyo's ears.

He looked towards the Royal Family outcast and released a breath of amusement, "Me? Nervous...never..."

"Mhm," Azula giggled before placing a small kiss on his neck, "It's going to be fine, hon. The kids will be thrilled to see you."

"I know...but," Kaiyo sighed, "What do you think they'll say when they realize that we're together?"

Azula chuckled before looking down at their hands that were holding eachother, " long as you're willing to fight for this...then I am too. They'll understand...eventually."

Kaiyo chuckled, "Yeah...I suppose you're right."

"Of course I am!" Azula exclaimed and they both shared a small laugh.

The carriage suddenly stopped and they both exchanged a glance.

"I'll go see what's going on," Kaiyo hopped off of the carriage.

Azula nodded, "I'll wake the kids."

The white haired teen sent her a nod of his own before making his way to the driver that was currently scratching his head and talking to a Fire Nation soldier.

Kaiyo pulled his cloak's hood over his head and approached, "What's happening?"

"The Fire Lord has sent out a message for everyone to evacuate the city," the driver said just as the soldier from before sized up Kaiyo.

"Who are you?!" the soldier barked and Kaiyo raised a brow.


"Sweetie," Azula suddenly appeared by his side with the rest of the gang, "Is this going to take much longer?"

She brought her hand to bump?

Kaiyo mouth became dry and he was about to start stuttering, "W-W--"

"Excuse me sir, as you can see my sister and her husband are trying to get to a doctor soon," Jet interjected.

"They asked us to come along since we're immediate family," Smeller-Bee smiled, "This isn't a problem we hope."

"N-No," the Fire Nation soldier was embarrassed, "Of course not," he gestured to a camp just a ways away from where they were, "There's a camp not too far from can get the help you need there ma'am. And congratulations."

Azula made Kaiyo's hand touch her 'baby bump.' They both smiled, "Thank you."

The gang made it back to the carriage and its advance now continued. Kaiyo released a breath and closed his eyes as he watched the soldiers go back to looking out for more wanderers.

Azula giggled, "Geez, Kaiyo...I thought you knew how to lie?"

The white haired teen sent her a look, "Hey, forgive me if your baby bump startled me, okay?"

Oka barked and suddenly shot up from a pile of cabbages, Kaiyo smiled, "We're almost there bud, just a little detour."

Azula smirked as she took out three cabbages from her tunic and cradled them to Kaiyo smugly, "Aw, say hello to our triplets honey!"

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