Chapter 31

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(A/N): Unedited...again... Yeah-Yeah! I know, I'm a lazy fuck, sue me, aight! Also...this chapter is dedicated to blazz99. Especially since I told them that this was supposed to be up since yesterday bad...


Currently near a waterfall, Team Avatar is seen relaxing as Aang floating in the water whilst Sokka and Kaiyo were going over some maps.

Toph was sitting near the river as well whilst Katara is seen from the top of a ledge.

"Waterbending bomb!" Katara shouted as she ran off of the ledge and hopped into the water, causing a great splash.

"Woah!" Sokka tried to shield himself with the map.

Kaiyo carefully bended the water so that it wouldn't get them or the old documents wet, whilst also using a tendril of water to catch Aang as he was sent flying from Katara's splash.

The kids all laughed as they were now sitting on the ground. Kaiyo shook his head with a little smile on his face.

"So did you guys figure out what route we're gonna take?" Aang asked as he, Toph and Katara all surrounded Kaiyo and Sokka's maps.

Sokka and Kaiyo exchanged a look and the white haired teen nodded to the younger which prompted a grin on Sokka's face.

"Okay!" Sokka began, "We just got out of the desert, so we must be around here--" he pointed to a particular part of the map and looked to Kaiyo whom nodded, "And we need to go to Ba-Sing-Se which is here--" he pointed to another part of the map, "Kaiyo and I figured that the only passageway connecting the two is this sliver of land called the Serpent's Pass."

"You're sure that's the best way to go?" Toph asked as she had her arms folded.

"It's the only way as of right now, actually," Kaiyo reminded them.

"Yeah, I mean it's not like we have Appa to fly us there," Sokka interjected which prompted a tap on the head from Kaiyo.

"Shush up about Appa. Can't you atleast try to be sensitive," Katara reprimanded as and Sokka looked toward Aang.

"Katara, it's okay," Aang hugged his knees close to his chest, "I know I was upset about Appa before, but I don't wanna get mad and end up like..."

The kids all directed their attentions to Kaiyo now. The white haired teen raised a brow, "What? All of a sudden we're blaming me now?"

"Hey, you were the one that rearranged Sand-boy's face," Sokka interjected which earned him another slap on the head, this time from Katara.

Kaiyo sighed, "Look, back in the desert I said and did some things that you weren't supposed to see or hear, okay? The important thing now is to get to Ba-Sing-Se and let the King know what's up."

"But that's just the thing, Kaiyo," Katara placed a hand on his shoulder, "Some of the things you said...they were...scary. About your"

"Let's just get going," Kaiyo rolled up the map that Sokka had and stood up, being sure to adjust his bandages on his left and right hands.

"Kaiyo's right anyway," Sokka also interjected, hiding his curiosity since he wanted to know what was going on with Kaiyo as well, "To Ba-Sing-Se we go, no more distractions!"

"Hello there, fellow refugees!" a man's voice is heard and the Team all directed their attentions to where it came from.

A man, pregnant woman and teenage girl all waved to them. Sokka and Kaiyo both raised a brow at the appearance of the new group.

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