Chapter 42

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After spending a few days with eachother, Team Avatar were just about done getting ready to go their separate ways.

Kaiyo and 'Azrael' haven't seen eachother since their date and whenever he asks for her, her friends keep throwing him off.

Eventually he just gave up and decided that maybe it was for the best for the time being to focus on the kids before they left.

So here they were, all clinging to Kaiyo as if their lives depended on it. The white haired teen had a blank look on his face as Toph was on his shoulders, Aang was hugging his torso and Katara along with Sokka were holding onto his arms.

Kaiyo sighed, "Guys...this is getting ridiculous."

Oka barked as well, showing that he wanted some love too. The kids all dismantled and began petting Oka, the wolf sat with pride as he was being petted.

Kaiyo merely huffed in amusement as he watched with his arms folded. Jet came and stood by his side, "They're really gonna miss you, huh."

"It would seem so," Kaiyo chuckled as Momo came and landed on his shoulder, "At least I have you guys to keep me company, what do you say to that Momo?"

The lemur chirped happily as Kaiyo rubbed his chin. The teens laughed at Momo's purrs of content.

Katara and Aang hugged tightly before he and Sokka came up to the white haired teen, Jet excused himself.

"So...a week, huh?" Kaiyo asked as he had his hands in his pockets, "I know you're both probably gonna call me lame, but don't forget to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also, never forget to keep warm, the temperatures may--OOF!"

Kaiyo chuckled as he scratched Aang and Sokka's heads as they hugged him, the three boys separated.

"Thanks Kaiyo," Aang said with a smile, "...For everything."

Kaiyo took a deep breath and kneeled down which prompted Aang to do the same, "No problem, Airhead...remember," the former military legend placed a hand on his chest, "'s all in here, okay?"

Aang nodded and wiped some tears from his eyes, "Yeah."

"Hey," Kaiyo chuckled, "Relax, it's only a week. Come here."

They hugged once more and Aang along with Kaiyo stood up to their usual heights before Aang did a playful salute and levitated to the top of Appa.

Kaiyo glanced to Sokka whom seemed hesitant and a bit nervous.

"Nervous?" Kaiyo asked him knowingly and Sokka released a breath before nodded.

"Yeah..." the watertribe boy looked down, "...A-Are you sure you or Katara can't go with me, wasn't that the original plan, for Katara to come?"

Kaiyo sighed, "Yes, but Katara thought that maybe it's about time you faced this on your own."

Kaiyo walked up to Sokka and placed a hand on his shoulder whilst looking him in the eyes.

"It's about time you proved to your father that you're a man, Sokka," Kaiyo smiled slightly, "Because you have grown, albeit it took a little time," they both shared a laugh, "But you did...and I'm so proud of you."

Sokka sniffled, but placed on a strong face and nodded, "Alright Kaiyo...I've got this..."

Kaiyo nodded with a smirk, " go show those guys how much of a warrior you've become."

Sokka walked away proudly before stopping and running back quickly to give Kaiyo a brief hug and run back to Appa. The remaining people on Team Avatar laughed as Aang and Sokka were getting ready.

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