Chapter 58

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As Team Avatar lounged around a cozy fire basking in its warmth as the night's breeze passes along, Zuko is seen sharing out some tea for his friends.

"Nobody can make tea like my uncle can," the scarred Prince commented as he proceeded to serve Kaiyo and Azula their tea.

"You're right about that," Kaiyo gave a nod of understanding to Zuko as he handed Azula her tea as she snuggled to his side under the huge blanket they both had draped over them.

"But hopefully I've learned a thing or two," Zuko sighed as he gave Toph her own as she was busy getting comfortable in between Kaiyo and Azula, Oka by their side lounging about.

Azula looked down sadly at the tea, "I always remember Uncle trying to teach me his recipes back when we were young...but I was too much of a brat back then to ever take him seriously..."

"It's alright," Zuko released a breath of amusement, "I remember being the same way...maybe when we reunite with him we can finally start," he smiled hopefully at his sister.

Azula's eyes shined, "Y-You think he'd like that?"

"I know he would," Zuko tried to lighten the mood, "Would you guys like to hear Uncle's favourite tea joke?"

"Sure," Katara, whom had a blanket draped over her spoke.

"I like jokes!" Aang excitedly answered as he entered the frame with Jet, Long-Shot and Smeller-Bee whom all decided to go over to Kaiyo and Azula's side and grab a spot near them.

"Hey, watch it!" Toph complained as Aang nearly sat on her.

"Oops, sorry Toph," Aang chuckled nervously as he scratched his head.

Azula chuckled and lifted Toph onto her lap, whom surprisingly, made no comment, but now held a smug look on her face.

"Come over here, monkey," Azula gestured for Aang whom took Toph's position and got comfortable between Kaiyo and the Fire Princess.

Jet simply took the seat next to Kaiyo whilst Smeller-Bee and Long-Shot opted for Azula's side, both sharing a blanket of their own.

Jet chuckled, "Sorry for invading the personal space."

"It's no problem," Kaiyo lightly chuckled as well before leaning in to whisper, "Azula loves it. It's like her way of knowing that they want her here."

"Ah," Jet nodded before receiving his tea from Zuko.

"Anyway," Zuko said as he gave Pipsqueak and Haru their cups of tea, "I can't remember how it starts, but the punchline is Leaf me Alone, I'm Bushed."

Everyone merely tilted their heads at him as he was suddenly expecting laughs.

Jet cleared his throat, "Uh, Zuko...buddy...I don't think we get it."

"'s usually funnier when Uncle tells it," Zuko scratched his head.

"Right," Katara commented, "Maybe that's because he remembers the whole thing."

Everyone chuckled and Zuko smiled. Hey, at least he made everyone laugh....well, sort of.

"It's nice to get a chance to relax a little," Toph commented as she sipped her tea from her position on Azula's lap, "This hardly ever happens."

"Yeah," Kaiyo answered her, but his eyes slowly drifted to Sokka, who seemed a little out of it.

In his worried state, a frown appeared, but he was quickly jolted out of it by Azula, whom placed a hand on his cheek and traced his eyebrow with her thumb.

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