Chapter 38

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Azula was currently sitting just outside of the captain's command room on the floor of her ship with her back against the wall and knees hugged to her body as she took in the sea's breeze.

The wind blew her hair and the Fire Princess took a deep satisfying breath as her shoulders felt a little lighter than before.

She suddenly heard a bark and looked to her right to see Oka approaching.

"Hello, Oka," Azula greeted as she hugged the wolf whom instantly showered her face with kisses.

Azula giggled.

"Stop it!" she tried to reprimand which only made Oka continue, "Stop it! Stop it! Stop..." Oka didn't lick her face, "Good boy--AH, Oka!" the wolf started back his assault.

As two minutes went by, Oka and Azula were now sitting side by side as they stared out at the sea.

"You miss him, don't you?" Azula asked as she absentmindedly petted the back of Oka's neck and twirled his fur with her finger.

Oka whimpered and looked at her.

Azula pouted playfully, "You traitor! After everything I've done for you?!"

Oka whimpered and placed a paw on her lap, Azula chuckled once more before sighing, "Listen, may not even understand what I'm saying right now, but..."

Azula trailed off as she was not sure what to say, "Your dad and I...Kaiyo and I...we're enemies...arch-enemies...and when we meet each other again...eventually, you know...we're going to have to fight eachother--"

Oka merely barked which placed an end to Azula's overly gloomy speech, "Yeah-Yeah, alright you mangy mutt I get it...I'm boring."

Oka wagged his tail and Azula chuckled whilst hugging the white furred wolf toward close to her bodice, "Let's get you home..."

...   ...

After flying away from Lake Laogai, Team Avatar finds themselves back at their house in the Upper Ring of Ba-Sing-Se.

Kaiyo scouted his surroundings before lowering Appa behind the house, hidden by two giant trees.

The white haired teen hopped off of the Sky-Bison before collecting a wounded Jet. He waited a bit for Long-Shot and Sokka to get off before passing Jet over.

Aang was still hugging Appa, "I missed you more than you will ever know, buddy!"

Kaiyo smiled sadly before looking over to Katara as Aang and Appa cuddled in the backyard.

"You think you can look after them for a little bit?" Kaiyo asked Katara whom nodded.

"Yeah," Katara came and rubbed Kaiyo's arms comfortingly,"Go...I've got this, Appa won't be easily seen since these trees are blocking him. "

Kaiyo nodded went into the house where Long-Shot, Smeller-Bee and Toph were standing watching as Sokka got the ingredients to make a traditional Southern Water Tribe paste for injuries.

Kaiyo suddenly stopped when he noticed the giant hole that used to be their house's wall.

"Do I even wanna know?" Kaiyo asked and Toph chuckled nervously whilst rubbing her neck.

"Yeah...that was my bad," Toph said with a blush of embarrassment.

Kaiyo sighed, "Just bend a new wall in so we won't be seen. "

"Got it," Toph went over to bend a wall.

Kaiyo took off his gloves and began to crush all of the ingredients they needed.

Avatar: The Fang Of The South and The Fire Princess Of The West (AZULAXOC)Where stories live. Discover now