50| Tease

381 9 3

By the time that the sun rose, i was already awake.

When I got back to my dorm a few days ago, I scolded myself in the room about how I had just kissed Levi, AGAIN

"You're pacing again Lana, what's wrong?" Hanji asked

If I was being honest with myself, there were many things that were bothering me.

Ever since we returned, I had been having trouble sleeping. It wasn't nightmares, just some weird visions that I couldn't explain. I kept seeing a blonde haired boy running around some unfamiliar streets, yelling out my name in worry.

I had no idea who this boy was. He was short, with blonde curly hair with some of his hair falling just before his eyes, he was also surrounded by older men and women with armbands on. This was definitely not from inside the walls.

Another vision I had included my father stood next to a dark haired woman in a very simple but dirty dress. All I saw was my father giving her an injection, I think it was one of his patients but I wouldn't know.

"I'm alright Hanji, just got some stuff going on in my head" I reply sighing and sitting back down on my bed.

Hanji looked over at the clock. "We should head down for dinner, it'll probably be ready by now"

I nod and stand up, once me and Hanji were out the door we were knocked off our feet as Sasha and Connie sped past us.

"Hey what are you doing on the superior's side of the dorms!" the short grumpy man also known as Levi spoke from down the hall.

The two sprinted off at the sound of his voice and both me and Hanji let out a chuckle.

"You two done?" he asked as he was closer to us now.

"Yup, let's go get us some dinner Hanji!" I smile and Hanji linked her arms with mine and we skipped down the hall.

It was nice to have some fun every now and again, even if Levi will complain about it later on. This was worth the risk


I sat down next to Hanji and began eating the boring bland soup and bread we were always provided with at every meal.

"So, you and the shorty seem to be talking a lot more, anything you want to tell me?" Hanji said with a mouthful of bread in her mouth.

I was drinking my water but I soon started choking on said water. "Excuse me what?" I say whilst coughing

Erwin and Levi looked over at the two of us to see Hanji now laughing her ass off and me dying due to the lack of air.

"You alright Lana?" Erwin asked. I gave him a thumbs up and continued to eat my meal.

"I have nothing to say to you Hanji, if you are so curious. Ask Levi himself" I say biting some bread.

"Okay! Yo Levi!"

I heard the man sigh at her call. I couldn't but help laugh at his reaction.

"What four-eyes?" He sipped his tea.

"Why are you suddenly talking more with Lana? Very suspicous" Hanji smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"It's so I don't have to talk to you" he said bluntly. Erwin slightly smiled at the reaction Hanji gave.

"What! I'm your favourite person to be around! How dare you replace me with Lana, you've known me longer!" she cried

"You're my favourite , don't worry Hanji" I pat her shoulders.


"sure" he replied and rolled his eyes, clearly not really having too much of an interest in the conversation now

Some loud noises came from over where the cadets were sat. I turn to see Eren and Jean having another brawl. Levi was about to stand up but I stopped him.

"I'll handle this" I say waving him off.

I walk over to the two boys and I kick them Both behind the knees and they collapse to the ground. "Don't be idiots and be grateful I didn't hit where the sun don't shine"

"Lanaaa" Eren groaned from the ground. "You get no sympathy from me my dear brother" I smirk and walk back to my seat.


I was currently on cleaning duty. Not a lot had happened recently due to Erwin was trying to plan our next move since the whole Reiner and Bertholt situation.

"My my do my eyes deceive me? Lana Jaegar is actually cleaning" Levi spoke from behind me.

"I see you aren't. You know, I haven't seen you clean since just before the 57th expedition" I raise an eyebrow at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Are you questioning my orders Jaegar?" Levi crossed his arms.

"Oh no~ Of course not sir" I tried to hold in my laugh as I cleaned a windowsill

I heard Levi scoff from behind me. "You sound a bit stressed sir"

"Just keep cleaning brat" he ordered. I began making my way to the other window sill but I tripped over the bucket of water and fell over.

Levi caught me somehow, he has quick relflexes. "You might want to be a bit more careful in the future" he said looking at me

We stared at each other for a while, for a few minutes to be precise. His eyes were like art, I admired every detail of his ice blue-grey eyes. He stared back into mine as well.

His eyes lowered to my lips and stayed there. I chuckle. "You going to kiss me or what sir?" I smirk teasing him.

He rolled his eyes and let me stand up properly this time. "Guess not" I chuckle as I am about to make my way to the bucket.

"Hey brat" I turn around but I had no time to react due to his lips were now on mine.

I know we had done this before in the past, but damn this one was different but I didn't pull away.

I cupped his face as I deepened the kiss, he seemed to enjoy it due to I felt him slightly smirk against me as we kissed. I prayed that no one would see this, especially Hanji. She would fangirl so much

As I was in my thoughts my kissing got sloppy and I heard a grunt of some form escape from Levi. I kissed him back with more effort this time and that seemed to appease him. He soon wrapped his hand to the nape of my neck and his other hand on my back.

Sadly something called oxygen exists and we both need it. We both took a deep breathe and rested our foreheads against each other. "That was better than last time" I chuckle.

Levi didn't reply but he kissed my cheek to replace words. "Get back to cleaning" he says as he moves some of my hair from my face.

Once he left the room, it finally settled in on what just happened. I crouch down against the wall and take in what I had just experienced.

For such a cold and quiet guy. He's a good kisser. I thought to myself

I blushed at the memory, once I got out of my thoughts I grabbed the cleaning supplies and continued on with the work

/ / /

Hey! I Hope you guys have been enjoying this story. Sorry I'm not updating as frequently, a levels has been a drag since the exams were cancelled so now I need to do more work to make up for how we won't be doing exams :/

Also I finally added some spice for Lana and Levi (insert Lenny face)

- Em

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now