34| Chase

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Explosions were heard in the distance, i'm sure everyone could hear it. We now were stood on each individual branches, "So that was the plan from the start? Look i'm not complaining, I get keeping it from me but come on keeping from all of you? You'd think you earned a bit more trust than that right?" Eren says. "Damn you're annoying" Oulo says and I just give him a glare. "I hope you don't think that the Captain kept using the dark because he thinks we're a liability!" Petra yells. "It just doesn't make sense!"

"Enough you three" I step in, "he's got a point though. For being as confused to the plan as we were. The Captain didn't give us much to go on. That means he doesn't trust us. Kinda a big deal, think about it. Maybe Eren isn't the only one here that can change" Eld says and I slightly sweat dropped after he said that. "Maybe someone is a titan spy", "A titan spy? Really Eld?" I ask crossing my arms and leaning against a tree. "I don't but I'm sure the commander suspects it. Going off what I think is the people who would know about this is from five years ago" Eld says and they all look at me. "Did you know about this Lana?" Gunther asks. "Surprisingly no actually. It would be mostly the higher ranked or higher skilled soldiers who would know. My skills barely match anyone from those ranks" I say

"Oh hush Lana, you can fly through the air just as fast as Captain Levi can, you may not be as strong as the Captain but you've got speed and accuracy" Petra buts in. They began talking about how these things add up and some stuff the Commander had said to them which made me remember back to when Sawney and Bean were murdered back at HQ.

/ / /

Erwin appeared behind us and placed his hand on Eren's shoulder from behind. "What is it do you think you see? Who do you think Is the real enemy here?" he asks, me and Eren look at him with confusion. "Ignore me, loaded question" he says leaving me and Eren even more confused but I shrugged it off. Erwin was the type to ask random questions at times to be fair

/ / /

"If we'd known the answer to that question. He would have probably let us in and know about what was happening today. I don't think any of us could've though." ELd says thinking out loud. "Well I for one knew of course" oulo says trying to act all high and mighty, "you brats need to seriously keep up"

I just laugh "Oulo, I get you want to be like Captain Levi but I'm sorry to say that you're way off" I say. "For one you need to be able to have every girl drool over you" Petra says, I laugh "you do realise you basically just admitted that you drool over the Captain right?" I ask and Petras eyes widen. "He literally never shows emotion, how are people are attracted to that?!" Eren questions. If I knew I'd tell you lil bro. "Look, you don't understand what he's been through. None of us do" I lie " so I'm sure Le- Captain had his reasons and we shouldn't judge due to that he's always saving our asses" I finish.

"Lana's right, besides we should just still keep an eye out for any danger, we still have Eren to protect" Gunther says. Suddenly we started hearing gun shots over in the distance and I looked up to see blue smoke. "Guess we're retreating" I say. "Let's go get the horses" Eld orders.

As we were making our way back to the horses. "Well at least this was a succes?" Eren asks, "at least you didn't piss your pants Eren" "HEY I THOUGHT WE AGREED TO NEVER SPEAK OF THAT!" Petra yelled, "wait what?" Eren asks, " it happens to a lot of us, my trousers have always been dry for your information" Gunther says, "it's happened once to me but it was only because I needed the bathroom" Oulo says having a smug look on his face. "Sure thing Oulo" I roll my eyes.

I was at the back of the group as we headed back, Eren was in the middle of us all. I kept a look out and checked behind me every now and again. "Green smoke?" Petra asks, "must be from the Captain" Eld says. We head that way to where Levi supposedly was. I saw a hooded figure in the tree line, "Levi?" I ask, and I noticed that Gunther had spotted him further ahead.

The person changed their direction super fast and sliced Gunthers neck. "GUNTHER!" Eren yells, I sigh trying to push my feelings back at the moment. "Keep moving!" I yell,"We're just leaving him?!" Eren yells once more. "Keep your mind clear! This could be the female Titan!" Oulo says. "the female Titan?How! I thought we caught her!" Eren asks. "Keep them away from Eren!" Eld orders.

I felt like everything was in slow motion. I kept an eye on the figure until they disappeared into the trees. Shit. This won't be good. A huge flash was seen, indicating that they had transformed and the Female Titan started chasing us almost instantly . "I hate being right!" Oulo yells. "No time to complain! Move it! She's coming for us!" Eld yells and we all press down on the gas trigger and speed off on our ODM gear. "What do we do?!" Oulo asks. "No time for the horses! Head back to HQ at full speed!" Eld orders. "I'll kill her!" Eren shouts lifting his arm to his mouth. "No! Leave her to us! You head to base!" Eld orders, "Lana! Go with him!" He adds. "But you guys-" "Just go!" I sigh.

"Eren lets go!" I say flying past him and pulling him. "I HAVE FAITH IN THE LEVI SQUAD! GOOD LUCK!" Eren says coming with me. Please be safe. I thought as I saw them smirk and turn around to head back to the female Titan.

Silenced // Levi Ackerman x OC (Discontinued for a while)Where stories live. Discover now